Reunion invitation, 1910 |
Postmark: Lovington Ill. 5 PM Jul 10 1910
Addressed to: Miss Minnie M. Myers Newton, Illinois
Message: Dear Minnie:
Received your card. Thanks -- can't you come up to visit with us during our picnic, as per other side? We would be glad to have you come.
I don't think they are going to have a picnic at Hammond.
Dean S.
Minnie Myers, born about 1889, was the daughter of William W. and Eunice C. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Myers were apparently natives of Jasper County, and made their home there; consequently, I have not been able to discover the nature of their connection to a Moultrie corespondent.
This is particularly difficult because the signature is apparently, but not conclusively, 'Dean S.', as given above. Furthermore, the mention of Hammond suggests that the writer could have lived in Piatt county, rather than Moultrie. Assuming that my reading of the name is correct, the only matching name in the 1910 census in north Moultrie or south Piatt is that of Dean Stanley of Lovington township, son of Int and Nora Stanley.
The Wortham and Allen Carnival was a partnership of Clarence A. Wortham and Thomas Allen. They operated a group of carnivals which toured the central states and Canadian provinces.
Clarence A. Wortham, born about 1883 in Texas, moved to Illinois and married Belle Snapp in Danville on 29 Jun 1904,and the couple made their home in that city. Their children were Maxwell, born 1907, and Clarence Jr., born in 1909. Clarence died prematurely on 24 Sep 1922 in Cincinnatti, Ohio, apparently while traveling on business. The enterprise survived his death and, after changing ownership, was renamed Beckman and Gerety Shows in 1931. This venture subsequently went out of business in the 1940's.
I have been unable to locate any information about his partner,Thomas Allen. |
Broadway, looking south, 1916 |
Postmark: Lovington Ill. Dec 3, 1916 9 AM
Addressed to: Mrs. B. J. Alexander. Virden Ill. Bo. 365
Message: Lovington, Ill. 12/3 - 18
Dear Sister. I happen to drop in here over night. There are sure some changes made here. Lots of paved sts. Mr. Pifer is dead. Nina lives with her mother. Glen is in the army. Harry is living in Ind. Linn & Jennie still in Hotel. This house is one block [indicated by a square] so. of Hotel.
Merlin S.
Benjamin J. and Julia E. Alexander are clearly identified in the 1910 Macoupin County census. Their children were Gordon (born about 1895), Esther E. (born about 1897), Robert W. (born about 1899), Nola M. (born about 1900), Nelson??? (born about 1902), Virgil H. (born about 1905), Henrietta (born about 1907), and Frederick (born about 1909).
Determining Julia's maiden name, however, is not easy. The Illinois State Marriage Register lists a Benjamin Alexander who married Julia A. Price [Note the different initial] in Sangamon County on 16 Sep 1894, and despite this discrepancy,the date is in concert with the birth of Gordon the following year.
If the Sangamon county marriage is correct, Julia may be the 'Julia E.' listed as a daughter of R.H. and Sarah E. Price in the 1880 Sangamon census. However, there were no Merlins in this family; as a stretch, 'Merlin' could be a nickname, with 'Merlin S.' referring to her younger sister Sallie. But I'm not convinced. |
Route 32, looking north |
Postmark: Lovington Ill. Oct. 22 1937 (time unreadable)
Addressed to: A. H. Reupke Mart, Jon, Terre Haute Indiana
R. R. Allendale
Message: Dear Everybody: This where we live -- 20 years ago. Thats Lovington 1/4mile north. Found this in the drug store. How's Hans? Hope he's treating you nicely. Be home this week. Getting cold over here.
Pop, when you go to town Sat. nite will you get me some RCA contest blanks? You can hear the radios then. They're fine. Don't forget.
With love
Am taking music lessons now. Have a dandy teacher
Albert H. Reupke was born in Germany about 1874. He married Ella (maiden name unknown, but born in Illinois) about 1905, and their first child, Ernest, was born a year later in Wisconsin. Subsequent children were Carl (born about 1907 in Wisconsin), Esther (born about 1912 in Illinois), Martha (born about 1917 in Indiana), and John H. (born about 1922 in Indiana).
The addressees, then, are father Albert, sister Martha ('Mart'), and brother John. As mother Ella is not mentioned, she may have passed away by this time. Because this appears to be in a feminine hand, I suspect that it was written by sister Esther, which matches the 'E.' signature,
Based on the birthplaces of the children, the family was living in Illinois in the period surrounding Esther's birth in 1912, and may have moved to Indiana as late as 1917; this would roughly match the designation as their residence twenty years previously.
Hans is unidentified, though at the time, Terre Haute boasted a large German population, and Albert may well have sought the company of his compatriots.
The house, by the way, is still occupied and is in good condition, though 'hoss manure' has long been absent from the middle of the road. |
Bridge, Route 32 |
Postally unused
Printed on back:
LET GIFFORD -- Make your Photos. His work is fine and the prices suit all. Brides and grooms,children, fathers, mothers and family groups -- they are all specialties.
GIFFORD Lovington, Illinois
I believe that this bridge spanned the Okaw river north of town; if so, it has been replaced in the reworking of this treacherous stretch of road. |