Newspapers: 1923
"All the news that's fit to resurrect"
Decatur Daily Review, January 15, 1923
Work Resumed Monday Under Supt. Adams.
Lovington, Jan. 13. -- The Lovington mine, which has been closed for the last three weeks, subsequent to the explosion in which Mine Inspector Charles Finley lost his life, was re-opened Monday morning for the hoisting of coal. A small force of men has been at work since the explosion, cleaning up the mine and putting it in readiness tor the resumption ot work.
Horace Adams, the newly employed superintendent, is in charge. No report as to the cause of the recent explosion has yet been made public.
Decatur Review, November 23, 1923
Slab Is Near Completion However.
Lovington, Nov. 20 -- The hard road from Lovington to Sullivan will be completed within the next few days if fair weather prevails. After the concrete slab is finished there still remalna quite a lot of other work to be done. The earth shoulders will have to be built on both sides of the slab and ditches opened. There will be 800 feet of railing on the hills near the Kellar cemetery, one mile south of Lovington. It is not likely that all the work will be finished beforo next spring. This will not interfere with the opening of the road for traffic, however.
The Lovington-Sulllvan road will be one of the finest pieces of highway in the state. It goes through an exceptionially good forming [sic; probably 'farming'] district. It is one of Moultrie county's greatest assets and will serve as the central link of a concrete highway from Windsor north to Cerro Gordo.
The Sullivan Community club in conjunction with the County Motor club is busy with plans for celebrating the completion of the hard road. The Lovington Commercial club has named a committee that will meet with the Sullivan clubs and help complete the plans. It is to be a tri-city affair and will include a parade over the eight miles of newly finished slab which joins the cities of Sullivan and Lovington with a concrete highway.
It is probable that Governor Small will be present at the formal opening and deliver the address of the occasion. Bethany, Sullivan and Lovington bands will furnish music.
Mr. and Mrs. Cale Cunningham left Saturday for Chicago, where they will spend thd next several months. Mr. Cunningham will take a course in electrical work.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Davenport formerly of Lovington who moved to Springfield a few months ago, have moved to Decatur, where they will make their home.
Mrs. W. H. Storm was in Decatur Thursday to attend a meeting at the Christian church.
Mrs. Kate Casley of Wall Lake, Ia., is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Sarah Kearney and family, north of Lovington.
Mrs. Herbert Cheever, assisted by several ladies of the Methodist church, will serve regular Thursday evening supper in Community hall. The menu will consist of veal loaf, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, escalloped corn, cranberries, pumpkin pie, hot rolls, coffee.
The suppers are served for twenty-five cents and the tickets are secured at the M. W. Munch drug store any time during the week until 9 o'clock each Thursday morning.
Ed Hamilton, formerly of Lovington but who has resided In San Diego, Cal. died at his home Nov. 12. Mr. Hamilton has been in poor health for a number of months.
Mrs. Ardelia Smith and grand-daughter Bessie have returned from at month's visit inn Cosey, Ia.