Newspapers: 1919
"All the news that's fit to resurrect"
Needed Improvement to Cemetery Defeated.
Sullivan, June 10. -- The board of supervisors met in their annual June session Monday afternoon. The meeting did not start until about the middle of the afternoon because Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Curry, superintendent and matron of the Moultric county farm, had the members of the board out at the farm for dinner. They did not return to this city until the middle of the afternoon.
As soon as the members went into session the action of a former meeting was confirmed. At that meeting M. E. Foster of Lovington was chosen chairman of the board.
The hard road question was taken up and the remainder of the afternoon was devoted to the proposition. The board finally decided to place the additional hard road at the west end of the present hard road which runs west out of this city on Jackson Street.
The first proposition put before the board was the one to place the hard road just south of Lovington between that city and the Kellar cemetery and after some debate the proposition was voted down by a vote of six to three.
The proposition to place tha road at the east end of the present hard road east of the Illinois Masonic home was also voted down and after considerable debate it was decided to place the hard road west of this city at the end of the present hard road.
This action will please the farmers who live west and southwest of this city as it gives them a long stretch of hard roads. About $12000 will be spent for hard roads this year and this will be used to extend this west road as far as the money will extend it.
Those from Lovington who were here in the interest of the Lovington proposition, as well as those from east of this city who were interested in the proposition to place the road that way were greatly disappointed at the action of the board.
Miss Ethel Collins of east of this city who had her automobile burned near Lovington Sunday night has a different story to tell to what McMullin of Lovington seems to have to tell about the auto accident. Miss Collins and Mr. Leeds of near this city were driving the Collins' car discovered after they had gotten about one half mile south of Lovington that they were out of gasoline. Leaving their tail light burning, they went back to Lovington for gasoline and when they returned they found the car on fire. It is claimed that some people passed in a Ford car a short distance ahead of the McMullin car and that they claimed that the tail light on the Collins' car was burning. Miss Collins won the auto in a newspaper contest here several mouths ago.
The tax sales started In Moultrie county Monday, property In Dora, some in Whitley and all property in Sullivan township and a few in Lovington listed for sale were sold Monday afternoon by the county treasurer's office and the remainder will be sold this afternoon. Marrowbone township was the only township in the county which did not have property listed for sale, all land and city property taxes were paid in that township.
The case of those from Lovington who filed objection against judgment being rendered against their property for taxes on the special paving tax came up in the county court Monday but was continued until the 30th of thls month. The property of those who did not file objection will be sold for taxes.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClain of Metcalf spent Monday night here the guest of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herve Dalon. They made the trip in their car.