Title: Moultrie County
Newspapers: 1915

"All the news that's fit to resurrect"

Decatur Daily review, July 3, 1915


Sullivan, July 3.-The hoard of supervisors met in special session Friday afternoon to decide on the plans and location of the new county jail.


They decided to build a two story building with basement. The construction will be of brick, reinforced with concrete. The building will he located about fifty feet from the pavement on Hamilton street. The old jail will be torn down so as to make room for the new building. The building will extend about eighty feet east and west and possibly about forty-five or fifty feet north. The residence part of the jail will be towards the Hamilton street pavement on the west side of the building. The entrance will he from the south with a drive way coming up from the pavement.


There will be sixteen double cells in the building built on the first and second floors with a woman's department in one end of the second floor. A solid wall will be built between so that no conversation can be held between the two departments. The ceilings of the jail portion will be eight feet high with tee cells built to the lams height, the basement will I built for heating an 1 laundry. The structure will be built as near in the center of the half block need by the counts as possible from north and south.


Sheriff Funston will have to move his prisoners to another county while the building is being erected. He will either take them to Shelby or Douglas county. He will also be forced to get another residence until the new jail is completed.


The new wells being bored at the county lots just east of the jail have reached a depth of over two hundred feet and it is thought that they have struck a good vein of water.

The body of Miss Clara Colclasure was brought to this city from Mattoon Friday and taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs Delbert W. Duncan. The body was taken to Iota for burial today.

The Moultrie county board of review will commence their work Tuesday morning. The board this year consists of Chairman J. B. Martin of the board of supervisors, J. N. Foster of near Cushman, E. T. Ray of this city and Charles Bristow of this city, clerk.

The Chattering Chums club held an all day meeting at the home of firs. Walter Potter on Jackson street Friday. Dinner and supper were served at the Potter home and in the evening all went to the moving picture show.


Christian -- The usual services will be held both morning and evening. Subject for the morning sermon, "The New Testament Church and Church Quarrels." In the evening, "Marriages and Happiness."

Presbyterian -- The services throughout the day Sunday will be of a patriotic nature. The subject for the morning sermon will he "In Patriotic Citizens' Clothes." In the evening the. Young People's society will have charge of the services. The subject for discussion will be "In Honor of the Flag." A number of papers have been prepared by the young people. Hall's orchestra will be present and furnish music. Patriotic songs will be sung.

Methodist -- The usual services both morning and evening. Subject for morning discourse, "Duties of Christian Citizenship." In the evening, "Our Country's Ideals. Sunday afternoon Mr. Wohlfarth will deliver an oration at Pifers park,

Company C, Fourth regiment, Illinois National Guards of this city went to Arthur this morning, where they assisted in the fourth of July celebration.


The Boys hand will give a conceit at the Wyman park Sunday afternoon at 1:30 oclock. The concert is being given early, owing to some of the members having to go to Pifers park ant Play with the Sullivan concert band.


The Illinois Central has arranged special train service for the dedication of the Memorial hospital here on Monday. A special will leave Mattoon at 12:15 p. m., arriving here at 12:45 p. m. The returning train leaves here at 5:30 another special will leave Mattoon at 7:00 p.m., arriving here at 7:30. p.m., and going on to Peoria for the accommodation of those between here and Peoria, who attend the ceremonies.

The Big Four had to detour four of their passenger trains through this city by way of Illinois Central and C. & E. I., on account of a freight wreck near Mattoon Friday. Two trains were handled each way.


The Moultrie County Sunday School convention which was in session at the Methodist church Thursday and Friday, closed with the Friday afternoon session. The convention was well attended by Sunday' school workers from all over the county. It was decided to hold next year's convention at Gays.

The election of officers took place Friday. The following officers were chosen: President, Dr. E. E. Bushart, Sullivan; vice president, Will Rhodes, Bethany; secretary and treasurer, T. H. Hudson, Bethany; department superintendents, Miss Ella Shepherd, Sullivan; Jacob Steck, Lovington; Frank Doughty, Sullivan; Will Bone, Lovington; Miss Mary Jenne, Cadwell; temperance department, O. F. Cochran, Lovington; missionary, I. P. Cook, Dalton City. Resolutions containing thanks for the hospitality shown by Sullivan folk in entertaining the convention were adopted.


Harry Daniels, John Bell and Avon Jackson, the three youths arrested Wednesday, charged with robbery in two drug stores in Lovington, were arraigned before Justice of the Peace Enterline Friday. They waived preliminary examination and were held to await the action of the grand jury. Bond was placed at $3,000 on three charges each. Being unable to furnish bond they were returned to jail.