Newspapers: 1914
"All the news that's fit to resurrect"
Decatur Daily Review, February 200, 1914
Lovington Reporter: According to the annual report of the coal mining board, just issued, no one has been killed in the Lovington mine the past year. Statistics for the mine have been made public as follows;
Coal mined -- Mine run, 2,513; lump, 58,997; other grades, 43,770; total 105,280.
Days in operation -- 224.
Average number of miners -- 81.
Decatur Daily Review, April 2, 1914
A statement was printed a few days ago to the effect that among the Italian miners leaving for the old country was one little woman who left a husband in the Lovington grave yard, he having been killed in a fall of rock while endeavoring to rescue a comrade.
J. C. Stocks, manager of the Lovington Coal Mine, says that such an accident as this does not fit into the history of the Lovington coal mine at any point. There has never been a fatal acident in this mine since it has been in operation and there has never been but one serious accident. In this case, the miner wae endeavoring to relight a blast when the charge exploded and cost him an eye.
Mr. Stocks says that the Lovington coal mine is not one of the kind that suffers from falls of rock. The roof is substantial and props are seldom needed. There were eight Italians of the Lovington mine force that left to go back to Italy. It is possible that in this party was a widow but Mr. Stocks does not recall a death among the Italians employed in the mine. He is absolutely certain, however, that no one has ever been killed in a mine accident.
Decatur Daily Review, April 11, 1914
Coal Mine Has Closed Down for Needed Repairs.
Lovington. April 11. -- County Superintendent Roughton, of Sullivan, was a visitor here Thursday and announced that the county final examinations would be held in Lovington and Sullivan on Friday, May 6. All students in the north end of the county will take the examination at Lovington, which will be in charge of Professor Chatham, superintendent of the township high school. The Sullivan examination will be for those of the south end of the county and will be in charge of Superintendent Finley of the Sullivan schools and Superintendent Roughton.
It is expected that many more than usual will take the county final this year, as the late law requires the district to pay the tuition of all eighth grade graduates who hold a diploma and care to enter a high school. This should especially increase the attendance of the Lovington and Sullivan schools, as the law states that such students that seek free tuition must enter an accredited high school and the Lovington and Sullivan schools are the only ones in the county having such qualifications.
The coal mine has closed down temporarily. Some much needed repair work will be done about the shaft and it is reported by employees that work will be resumed in about two weeks. The expiration of contract between miners and operators has nothing to do with the shut-down.
Friday was patrons' day at the grade school and a large crowd attended the exercises in the afternoon and inspected the school and the work being done in the eight grades. Lovington is exceedingly proud of her grade school, as it is being handled by an able corps of teachers, who are working together harmoniously.
As yet no clue has been reached as to the parties that burglarized the Boggs grocery Sunday night. Several detectives are here at present and working on the case, bur thus far no arrests have been made. The burglars made off with about eight or ten dollars in cash, about 500 cigars, some overalls, bacon, sugar and potatoes. The theft is without doubt the work of home talent. Entrance was gained by breaking a glass in a rear window of the store.
Honorable William B. McKinley is to give an illustrated talk on his trip around the world, at the Christian church, Friday evening, April 17. It will be free and is being given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid societies of the Methodist and Christian churches. Mr. McKinley will illustrate his lecture with 300 lantern slides, being views taken by him during his tour.
At the Bible school hour at the Christian church Sunday morning a short Easter program will be given. The offering will go to the National Benevolent association to help support the orphans' home and old peoples' homes of that church. At 11 o'clock the pastor, Rev. C. C. Hill, will preach an Easter sermon, his subject being, "The Silent Witness."
At the Methodist Episcopal church the services will be conducted as usual by Rev. T. A. Adams, the pastor. At the evening hour an Easter program will be given.
Bethany, April 11. -- Carl Mathias, who is working in Shelbyville, spent the first of the week with his parents.
There was a fire scare at the home of Tommy Dalton Tuesday night. Mrs. Dalton woke up about 1 o'clock and found the house full of smoke and gas and one of the portiers ablaze. She threw heavy comforts over the blaze and in a short time the fire was out. The casing of the door was badly scorched and the wall paper. Several small rugs were ruined and some bedding. If ahe hadn't wakened when she did the gas would have probably overcome them and as the wind was blowing hard, would have been a serious fire.
The Methodist Episcopal church will have an Easter program by the primary class Sunday morning. In the evening the choir will render an Easter cantata, at 7:30. The juvenile orchestra will take part in the services.
The Cumberland Presbyterian church will have a special program of Easter music at the regular church hour Sunday night.
At the Christian church G. Halleck Rowe, of Indiana, will speak both morning and evening. Mr. Halleck is the field secretary ot thn American board ot the Church of Christ.
The Sunday school of the Christian church will have a program, just before the church hour.
The Easter program of the Presbyterian church will be at 7:80 and is as follows:
Hymn -- "Lo in the Grave He Lay."
Anthem -- "Now is Christ Risen."
Solo and chorus, "Calvary" -- Mary Crowder and choir.
Quartet, "Tis Midnight" -- Mrs. Davisson, Juanita Debuler, L. T. Butts and Lute Hudson.
Solo, "He Will Swallow Up Death."
Anthem, "Crown Him With Many Crowns."
Duet, "Easter Dawn" -- Bernice Walker, J. Debuler.
Anthem -- "Glad Easter Day."
Offertory, "Trombone solo" -- Reg Crowder.
Solo and chorus -- Mrs. Davisson and choir.
Quartet -- Mary Crowder, B. Walker, J. and Maud Debuler.
Solo -- "Christ Is Risen."
Anthem -- "Risen, a Glorious King."
Anthem -- "He Slumbers Not."
Decatur Daily Review, June 16, 1914
Fourth of July To Be Celebrated At Pifers' Park.
Sullivan, June 16. -- The board of review of Moultrie county met Monday in the supervisors' rooms of the court house, organized an elected their clerk. The members of the board this year are Supervisors M. E. Sconce of Marrowbone township: John Nolan, of Dora, township, and Lawrence Ponds of Jonathan Creek township. Sam Newbould, of this city. wan chosen -% their clerk. The board does not expect to commence its work until July 6, and the supervisors' rooms In the court house will be used by the board.
Guy Pifer, Owner of Pifer's Park expects to hold a Fourth of July celebration at his park this year. Nothing has here done so far toward a celebration here in thin city and Mr. Pifer derided to hold one at the park.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flynn and daughter, Grace, are among those staving at Pifer's park this week.
Mrs. W. B. Hopper was a Decatur visitor Monday afternoon.
Mrs. T. M. Richardson and daughter, Miss Bertha, went to Decatur Monday afternoon for a short visit.
Mrs. Avery Woods and daughter were Bethany visitors Monday afternoon.
County Superintendent of Schools Van D. Roughton went to Normal Monday afternoon to see shout a teacher for the institute this year.
O. J. Gauger and son John went in Decatur Monday afternoon, returning home in their car, which they had to leave in Decatur Saturday on account of the rains.
Mrs. Darwin Kirby returned to her home in Champaign Monday noon, after a visit here with her mother, Mrs. Margaret McPheeters.
Mr. and Mrs S. W. Wright and inn, James A. Wright, attended the fungal of Mrs. Linder at Charleston.
Miss Neoma Poland was a Decatur visitor Tuesday.
Charles Lindsay was in Decatur Monday and enjoyed three fast sets of tennis at the Y. M. C A. courts.
The city council met in regular session Monday evening. A number of things came up before the meeting, but little was done definitely. Among other things brought out was that of voting bonds for the extension of the water supply of the city and for the city furnishing municipal lights, and it was decided to call a vote on this later. The voters will he asked to vote $20,000 for water and $15.000 for the lights. The date for the voting will be announced later.
Miss Inez Bristow Bride of Fred O. Gaddis.
Sullivan. July 6.-Circuit Clerk Fred O. Gaddis and Miss Inez Bristow surprised their many friends Sunday morning by going to the home of Rev. W. B. Hopper, pastor of the Christian church, about 8 o'clock Sunday morning and getting married.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gaddis of this city and is a graduate of the Sullivan high school and is claimed to be the youngest circuit clerk in the state of Illinois. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bristow of West Jefferson street of this city and is also a graduate of the Sullivan high school. She is a stenographer and has been employed for the past few years by I. J. Martin in his abstract office but has done most of her work in the office of the circuit clerk where she and Mr. Gaddis became acquainted. Neither had ever before kept company with one of the opposite sex when they became sweethearts. The groom is well known all over the county as he made the race for the nomination of county superintendent of schools of Moultrie county before making the race for circuit clerk.
After the wedding Sunday morning which took place fn the presence of Ben Cochran, friend of the groom, and Miss Hettie Bristow, sister of the bride, the couple left in the car and caught the train at some other town for Starved Rock, I11., where they will spend a week and then go onto Chicago for a short time before returning home. After returning home they will board for a while before going to housekeeping.
A large crowd of people attended the celebration at Pifer's park Saturday, but most of them were country people. People here in the city remained at home most of the day, a number of them going out to the park, but not many. In the evening a large crowd was on the streets taking in the moving picture shows and watching what fire works were shot off here in the city. Some of the merchants when asked if it was a dead Saturday said that they had done a good business and seemed surprised that so many people were In the city when there was no celebration here.
At the Masonic home the evening of the Fourth, the Sullivan Concert band gave a concert and a display of fireworks was shot off. A number of people went out to the home to see this. It was really a quiet Fourth here in the city and only minor accidents happened.
Margaret Barber, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Barber, was severely bitten about the left eye Saturday while at Pifer's park. A large bull dog bit her and then got away before any one had a chance to kill it or even get a good look at it so that they could have it killed.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fultz and little daughter, and Miss Caroline Armstrong of Hillsboro, spent Sunday here with the former's brother, Bert Fultz, and Mrs. Fultz's sister, Mrs. Joseph B. Michaels.
Mr. and Mrs. Almond Nicholson spent Sunday in Findlay with the former's brother.
The first union meeting of the different churches of the city was held at the Christian church Sunday evening. Rev. J. F. Wohlfarth, pastor of the Methodist church, was in the pulpit. The services were attended by a large audience in spite of the warm evening. On next Sunday evening the union services will he held at the Presbyterian church and Rev. W. B. Hopper of the Christian church will fill the pulpit. These services will continue through the months of July and August.
Harold Day, son of Rev. W. H. Day and wife. who recently graduated from a dental school in Indianapolis, Ind., and who received his state license for the state of Indiana on last Thursday left today for Vicknell, Ind., where he has decided to locate. Vicknell is a city of over 7,000 people and should be a good location. It is fifteen miles from Vincennes, Ind., where one of his brothers is located as a dentist.
Opha Tichener of St. Louis, Mo., spent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. Amanda Tichener. Mr. Tichener was formerly a business man in this city but has been away from here for a number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lane of Atwood, spent the Fourth here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Covey, going from here to Windsor Saturday evening to spend Sunday with relatives of Mr. Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones and daughter, of Tuscola, spent Sunday here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jennings of Decatur, spent the Fourth here with the former's brother, Attorney John E. Jennings and family.
Rev, W. B. Hopper was a Decatur visitor Monday.
Mrs. E. J. Endow and two daughters returned to their home in Pontiac Monday morning after several days' visit here with friends.
Miss Neoma Poland was a Decatur visitor Monday
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Watson and daughter returned to their home In Decatur Monday morning after a visit here with Mrs. Watson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. McClure.
Claude C. Harris returned to his home 1n Decatur Monday morning after a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Harris. His wife and three children remained for a longer visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McIlwain.
Mrs. W. H. Shurburn want to Clinton Monday morning for a visit with relatives, Mrs. Armstrong of Clinton, who has been visiting her father, W. H. Shurburn, returned home at the same time.
Decatur DailyReview, August 8, 1914
Mrs. W. L. Hull, 1526 North Main street [Decatur], has returned home from an outing at Pifer's park near Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. B. ;ti. Hull, Harry Hull, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Bryant and family of Lovington were also in the camping party. R. L. Hull spent Sunday at the park.
Decatur Daily Review, September 26, 1914
Lovington Reporter. -- The coal mine broke all previous records for hoisting coal Wednesday, when 1,104 3/4 tons were raised to the surface. This made an average of fifty tons per hour and things about the shaft were pretty busy. The quality of the coal seems to be better as the vein is working east and southeast.