Newspapers: 1912
"All the news that's fit to resurrect"
Decatur Daily Review, January 28, 1912
It appears that an impression has prevailed in the minds of some that the Lovington Coal Mining company is going on the rocks financially. That impression is not justified for a moment by the facts in the case, say those who are thoroughly acquainted with the situation.
The men behind the Lovington mine are now out of the woods, and that after an investment of over a half million dollars. Those men put up money by the hundreds of thousands of dollars when the prospect was anything but cheering; it is not to be conceived that they will fail themselves in the last stretch.
The property of the company now consists of:
A main shaft and an escape shaft 902 feet deep.
A coal vein eight feet to eight feet, ten inches thick; quality about the best to be found in Illinois, possibly the very best in the state.
Five thousand acres of coal rights in fee simple.
A mine now developed to the point where 350 to 400 tons a day are taken out by fifty miners and twenty-five company men. Compare this showing with the one that presented itself in this enterprise in May, 1907.
At that date considerably more than $200,000, in fact nearly $240,000, had been sunk in two abandoned shafts. It was necessary, if anything was to be accomplished, to start all over again. The wonder is those interested did not give up at that time. But they didn't give up. They hustled among themselves, coaxed and cajoled each other, and since then they have put in more than another $200,000. Now they have something to show for their time and money, in fact have a good deal. It is nonsense, it is insisted to imagine that men who have stood by this enterprise in this fashion will quit with present cheering prospects to urge them on.
And it is a fact that not a great deal more money is called for to finance the finishing touches of the enterprise. The aim at this time has been to get an additional $20,000, or about that sum; after which there is every reasonable assurance that the enterprise can move right along. And this additional money is wanted from the men who have already invested a half million in cash in the venture. Of course the money will be got.
The story of this Lovington coal mine has features that should be interesting to many people. It is a story of struggle against hard luck and abundant adverse conditions, during which battling the good fighting men put up a half million dollars. And that is something that happened right here in the center of the prairie state; it was a display of courage, fighting qualities and hope that should get attention anywhere in the world.
At the present time the company is composed of eighty stockholders, capital stock $100,000. Then there are 400 registered first lien certificates holders, who hold this form of obligation to the amount of $376,860.
One-third of the capital stock and about $100,000 of certificates are held by Decatur people. In all in this city are seventy-five to one-hundred people who are interested, so it will be seen this is a considerable Decatur venture.
The neighborhoods of Bement and Hammond hold about a third of the capital stock, and also $100,000 [$160,000?] of the certificates.
The remainder of stock and certificates is scattered about in different places, of course a fair share being held in Moultrie county.
In addition to stock and certificates there is an indebtedness of something like $125,000. This is for money borrowed to keep the work going along. This is a demand obligation and bears interest. It is a second lien on the property, coming after the lien of the registered certificate holders. The certificates of indebtedness issued by this company are described as "a from of preferred stock without voting power." They are a first lien on all property of the company, and of course they are supported by a trust deed. Certificate holders are entitled to 80 percent of the net profits from operation of the mine.
Certificates under the trust deed may be issued to the amount of $300,000 (??? amount not clear), so that $133,000 of these may still be issued. The proposition advanced and now under way is to the holders of notes for the $125,000 of indebtedness to surrender those notes and take certificates in their place. It is said that is seems entirely likely that $100,000 of the indebtedness will be turned into additional certificates, and that will nearly absorb the amount of certificates that can be issued under the trust deed.
For a proper understanding of the situation is should be stated that for the most part, in fact nearly altogether, the indebtedness of $125,000 is to men who own capital stock and certificates in the company.. There is practically no debt to outsiders; so that with the men who own the notes it is a question of handling their own affair. It is a debt they owe to themselves, and the only question is as to what form it shall assume. There isn't any outside creditor to come along and crowd matters.
The matter of surrendering notes against the company and taking certificates in their place has been presented in meetings at Lovington, Decatur and Bement. The movement is going along all right; it is the thing that will be done.
It was suggested by some certificate holders that it would be all right with them to let the property go to sale under a court order, say on suit started by holders of notes. This might afford some a chance to buy in the property for a small part of what it is really worth.
That suggestion was frowned upon. It was only a way of "squeezing" some worthy people out, people who up to this time have put up their money in handsome quantity and often under most discouraging conditions and prospects.
It was about twelve yours ago that the Lovington coal mine enterprise was started. In the rare June days of 1900 A. R. Pifer, J. C. McNight, Joseph Stocks, C. W. Brown, S. F. Drake and L. G. Hostetler got together and raised $5,000 among themselves to prospect for coal in Lovington.
In November of that year they began taking out a 2-inch core, which work was finished the middle of December. That core showed:
At 255 feet, two feet of coal. At 873 feet, three feet, two inches of coal. At 902 feet, eight feet, ten inches of coal.
The coal in the thick vein was sent on for analysis and was found to be high class.
The Moultrie County Coal company was formed in September, 1901. The capital stock was put at $150,000. The neighbors thought it was too much stock, so it didn't sell.
In January, 1902, there was another hitch at it and the capital stock was put at $80,000. This time it sold.
In June, 1902, the first shaft was started, and then the long session of real grief was under way. In August the shaft was down 100 feet when water showed up. Then came quicksand. It didn't take long to use up the $30,000 available for shaft sinking.
Superintendents and different makes of pumps followed each other in rapid succession. The shaft was abandoned in April, 1903. That was a damper on coal mine enthusiasm in the Lovington neighborhood.
Cyrus A. Potts of Taylorville in December, 1903, tried his hand at resuscitation, and it was a tough case. He organized the Lovington Coal Mining company, and those in the first company were either included or their holdings were purchased. No one was left out.
In August, 1904, enough certificates had been sold to start work. Robert Campbell, who had made his reputation in sinking the M.&C. shaft in Decatur, was engaged for the Lovington work. So a second shaft was started.
This was pushed down 75 feet in a month; the next month it was taken through fifty feet of water and quicksand. It was necessary to pump 5,000,000 gallons of water a day. It was slow work, and in August, 195, a depth of 164 feet was reached, and it had been expensive work.
Here the big steel shoe was taken out, against the protest of Robert Campbell. Campbell was right about it, and taking out the shoe later proved disastrous. Superintendents succeeded each other rapidly and everything went to the bad. They got to the point where no headway could be made against the volume of water.
Practically no progress was made in 1906. In April, 1907, Robert Campbell was induced to get back on the job. Cyrus Potts withdrew from the enterprise.
There was a meeting of stock and certificate holders in Decatur in May, 1907. Then it was shown that there was an indebtedness of $5,000 and that $231,075 had been invested and lost. Many wanted to quit.
Robert Campbell and W. B. Hudson wouldn't give up. Each of those men put up $1,000 of his own money to meet pressing claims.
There was a meeting in May, 1907, of certificate holders in Lovington. Robert Campbell went there filled with the courage that is born of super-abundant faith. He asked those people to raise another $30,000 and begin all over again.
By July, 1907, they had the $30,000 and work was started on the third shaft. Campbell was in charge this time and proposed to stay in charge. A new location was picked out for the third shaft after making short borings. The third shaft was started in October, 1907. It was necessary to do some more hustling for funds during two months in 1908. More money was got and the work was continued. The shaft was put down 902 feet and that part of the work was finished in April, 1909. Campbell gained more reputation, of course. Then it was a comparatively easy matter to get more money to sink the escape shaft. This brings us up to the present time.
It is an easy guess that the people who have stuck to the enterprise and put up their money all this time will do the little that remains. It is claimed they will have a property that is worth a million dollars, that is it will have net earnings on that amount.
Concerning the quality of coal taken out of the Lovington mine we give an analysis of it and coal from the Assumption mine, the latter heretofore regarded as furnishing the best coal in the state. The figures are furnished by the state authorities:
Lovington Assumption Moisture 6.45 11.54 Volatile matter 38.79 36.65 Fixed carbon 43.5 42.89 Ash 10.26 8.92 Sulphur 4.59 3.87 Thermal units 11,989 11,631 Total coal units 14,910 14,913 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.
Decatur interests are largely represented in the officers and directory of the company. The list shows:
President -- J. M. Duncan, Decatur
Vice president -- John Benson, Decatur.
Manager and treasurer -- J. C. stocks, Decatur.
Secretary -- William T. Kirkpatrick, Lovington.
Superintendent -- J. J. Rittman, formerly with M.&C. in Decatur.
Directors -- J. M. Duncan, John Benson, J. C. Stocks of Decatur; Andrew Swenson, Bement; W. H. Silvers, Hammond; R. S. Knapp, Washington, D. C.
Decatur Review, March 12, 1912
Carry Away $5 in Silver and 300 Pennies
Sullivan, March 12. -- Burglars entered Dr. W. P. Davidson's office Sunday night, opening the safe, getting about $5 in silver and 300 pennies. They gained entrance through the back door and the safe being unlocked they had it easy in getting away with the money. No clew was found.
Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Baker came up from Shelbyville Monday noon and parked their household goods ready to ship them to Shelbyville, where Mr. Baker has purchased a clothing store. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baker will be greatly missed by both church and lodge people, both being active members of the Methodist church. Mr. Baker was an active lodge worker in the Masonic lodge.
All of Monday's session of the circuit court was taken up with the case of Albert Hiser against the Lovington Coal Mining company, and is over a commission which the plaintiff claims is due him from the coal mining company for selling stock in the company. The case will take up most of Tuesday's session.
The case of Laura Van Gundy vs. Willaim A. Steele, James A. Steele and S. W. Wright is set for March 25.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Howe Evans Coddington was held at the United Brethren church at Kirksville Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. B. N. Sypolt. Interment was at Campfield.
She was born Nov. 23, 1837, and died at the home of her son, near Kirksville, March 10 at the age of seventy-four years three months and seventeen days. She leaves four daughters, Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. Isaac Hudson and Mrs. Edgar A. McKenzie of this city, and Mrs. Scott Bland of Chicago, and three sons, Edward. J. W. and Ben Davis, of near Kirksville. Mrs. Coddington was well known in this city, having spent a great deal of her time here with her three daughters. She is a widow of the late Hiram Coddington of this city.
Several from Sullivan attended the funeral. Among those who went were S. W. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wright, the latter a granddaughter of the deceased, Miss Stella Van Hise, Miss Lucreta Walker, Mr. and Mrs. William I. Sickafus, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Byrom and Mrs. H. H. Ritchie.
Miss Emma Green returned to Decatur Monday after spending Sunday at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Green.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Crowder were Decatur visitors Monday.
Dr. Homer W. Marxmiller and wife returned to their home in Findlay Monday morning after spending Sunday here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. McClure.
Glen V. Gladville, formerly of Bruce but who has been holding a position as operator for the Chicago&Eastern Illinois at Danville, has been checked in as agent for the same company at Tuscola.
Ray Rose of Strasburg visited his parents here Monday.
Miss Grace David returned to her school in Decatur Monday after spending Sunday at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milton David.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Corbin entertained the members of the Owl club and a few other friends at their home on West Jackson street Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Chaney, Miss Alice Chaney and sister, Mrs. O. C. Weger, went to Easton Tuesday morning to attend the funeral or their great aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory.
Arthur, March 12. -- It is rumored that the farmers in the vicinity of Cadwell are organizing a farmers' grain company for the purpose of building an elevator at that place or buying one of the two already there.
J. L. Herschberger's farm sale Thursday amounted to $5,300. The property disposed of consisted almost entirely of horses.
One yearling colt, a Shire, sold for $300, and a team of Shire mares was brought by an Indiana man for $750. The colt weighed 1650 pounds and the mares 1960 and 2029.
Decatur Daily Review, April 5, 1912
Mrs. Elizabeth Titus and Albert Wyman.
Sullivan, April 5. -- Mrs. Elizabeth Titus, mother of Joseph B. Titus of this City, was found dead in her bed at the home of her grandson, Will R. Titus on West Monroe street Thursday morning. A coroner's jury was called and the examination showed that she had died of acute Bright's disease. Mrs. Titus was born in Dearborn county, Indiana, Oct. 7, 1820, and came to Moultrie county in 1867 and has resided here ever since. She was ninety-one years five months and twenty-nine days old at the time or her death and was line of the Pioneers of Moultrie county.
She was married to G. R., Titus In 1836. Her son, Joseph Titus, is the only child that she has living at this time. Mrs. Titus is one of the best known women in Moultrie county and has seen the county grow from a very small number of people to what seems a large number to her, after remembering it in the early days. She has made her home with her grandson for several years.
The funeral services were held at the family residence of Mr. Titus on West Monroe street Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. L. Caseley, pastor of the Methodist church. Interment at Greenhill cemetery.
Albert Wyman died at his rooms in the Thomas G. Hughes shoe store a little before 8 o'clock Thursday morning, after an illness of only a short duration. He has been in the habit for several years of taking a long walk each morning and generally he took these walks out on the railroad tracks and about two weeks ago he fell while out on one of these walks, striking his side on one of the rails. He was taken to his rooms all it at attending doctor upon examination found that he had broken a rib. It was thought that he was getting along all right until Thursday morning. Mr. Hughes had taken his breakfast up to him and he died a short time after Mr. Hughes arrived in the room with his meal.
The coroner was called to hold an inquest and Drs. W. E. Stedman, the attending physician, Dr. Lawson and Dr. W. E. Scarborough the coroner, held an autopsy to determine just what the cause of the death was. It was their report to the coroner's jury composed of Attorney Frank J. Thompson, P. J. Harsh, George A. Fields, Sam B. Hall, Charles H. Monroe and Dr. W. E. Stedman that his death was caused by fatty degeneration of the heart superinduced by the broken rib.
Mr. Wyman was born in Berlin, Germany, July 10, 1833, and landed in New York In 1858 and worked at the shoe maker's trade for a number of years. He worked all along the line from New York to Chicago, from there to St. Louis and on as far south as New Orleans, and was in the latter city when the war brokeout.
He caught the last steamer north to St. Louis before active warfare, where he enlisted in the first volunteer regiment that went out of the state of Missouri, which was the first call for volunteers. He fought in the famous battle at Wilson Creek with General Lyons. His enlistment had run out a few days before, but he could not get away until after this famous battle. He then came back to St. Louis and worked at his trade until 1869. when he came to this city, where he has remained ever since.
After coming here, he went into the shoe business at which business he remained until the year of 1904, when he made Thomas G. Hughs, the present owner of the store, a present of the same, Mr. Hughs, being his clerk at that time. Since that time he has spent his time at the store, taking his usual walks.
Mr. Wyman was never married and has no relatives that are known of. He was seventy-eight years eight months and twenty-five days old at the time of his death. The body was moved to the home of Mr. Hughs on East Harrison street where it laid in state from 9 until 11:30 Friday morning. The funeral was held at the family residence of Mr. Hughs Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. L. Caseley, pastor of the Methodist church. Interment at Greenhill cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, April 9, 1912
Albert Wyman Bequeaths City Nearly $60,000.
Sullivan April 9 -- The will of Albert Wyman was filed for probate Monday Having no relatives he left the bulk of his estate for a city park which amount is between $40000 and $60000. To T G Hughes who fifteen years ago entered his employ as a clerk and who had been continuously with him ever since and to whom a few years ago he presented his large stock of boots and shoes he bequeathed $1000 in money and the store room at the southwest corner of the square which will amount to about $2000. And to Miss Claudie Bushman a daughter of one of his old-time friends he bequeathed $1000 in money.
Decatur Daily Review, April 15, 1912
In Wyman Park, According to Sullivan Man's Will.
Sullivan, April 15. -- The will of the late Albert Wyman which was filed a few days ago and an account of the same published was not altogether correct. Some of the provisions follow:
He requests that a monument to cost at least $1,000 be erected at his grave; to Thomas G. Hughes, his to former clerk and best friend, he gives the building owned by him on the south west corner of the Square and all the contents on the second floor, including rugs, furniture and library, etc., the having formerly given Mr. Hughes the stock of boots and shoes on the first floor. Besides this he gives Mr. Hughes $5000 in money. Miss Claudia Rushman, daughter of his friend, gets $1,000.
The rest of his estate he bequeaths to the city of Sullivan for a public park and improving such land, the land bought shall be at least forty acres and not more than sixty acres and shall be adjoining or near the city of Sullivan and shall always be kept open and free for public use.
Ordinances shall be passed by the city council and in these ordinances it shall show that there is to be no circus, side shows, menagerie, hippodrome or similar show exhibited in said park, no baseball, foot ball or any game or used for any other purpose with admission charged. Horse racing and all other kinds of gambling is prohibited. No intoxicating liquor shall be taken into the park.
The mayor or city council are to appoint a custodian for the park, his term of office to last one year, he to give bond for faithful discharge of his duties and he to be paid for his services out of the city's revenues.
The park shall be known as the Wyman park. The board of control shall be composed of a committee from the city council.
There is a proviso in his will which gives this money to the trustees of township 13, north range 5, east of the third p.m. (link: Measuring Moultrie ???) for use of public schools if the city of Sullivan, in case the city has not bought the necessary land in three years from the time of his death. The will Appoints Attorney John E. Jennings and Thomas G. Hughes as executors of his will and they have charge of the estate until the city has made the necessary arrangements fur purchasing land for the park when money will it a turned over to pay for the same and should they fail to comply with their part the money will be turned over to the Sullivan schools. The will is dated Sept. 30, 1911.
Charles H. Taylor and wife to Neal Sullivan, the west 1/2 of block 7 of Compfield's railroad addition to Sullivan. $1, etc.
L. G. Hostetler and wife to Sarah M. Stockman, lot 13 in block B, of L. G. Hostetler's first addition to Lovington. Consideration $450.
W. L. Hamilton and wife to R. S. Kinkade, 251 feet off of the east end of lot 2, of the south 1/2 of the north east 1/4 of the north west 1/4 of section 26-12-6. Consideration $2,500.
David Niles and wife to Sarah E Niles, the undivided three-fifths of the south west 1/4 of the south east 1/4 of the north east 1/4, and the north 1/2 of the north west 1/2 of the north east 1/4 of the south east 1/4 of section 5-12-6. Consideration $300.
Lot Luttrell and wife to Carriden C. Luttrell, the south west 1/4 of the north east 1/4 and the north west of the south east 1/4 of section 1-12-5. Consideration $6,000.
Francis M. Ray and wife to E. D. Elder, the east 1/2 of block 23 of the Elizabeth Titus addition to Sullivan. Consideration $5,700.
George A. Mitchell and wife to David Stewart, lots 1 and 2 in block 17 of the Elizabeth Titus addition to Sullivan. Consideration $1,100.
J. H Niles to L. Dazey, the north 1/2 of the south west 1/4 of the north west ??? of the north east 1/4 of section 1-12-5 Consideration $1.
Nancy E. Stevents and husband to Harvey Albert Riley, the south cast 1/4, of the south east 1/4 of section 25-14-4. Consideration $30.
A. R. Scott and wife to John A. Freeland, 23 feet off the west side of block F of Nobles' addition to Bethany. Consideration $1,200.
Marriage licenses were issued here Saturday to Walter H. Daum, twenty-three, and Martha Clara Butt, twenty-four, both of Sullivan township and to Roy Pipper, twenty-two, East Nelson township and Mahala Ballinger, age sixteen, of Jonathan Creek township.
Word was received here Sunday morning of the death of Mrs. David Landers, who died in Indiana early Sunday morning. Mrs. Landers formerly lived near Arthur, but recently moved to Indiana, with her husband on a farm which he had purchased there. It was thought Sunday morning that the remains would be brought back to Arthur for burial.
The city election Tuesday does not seem to create very much excitement this year, as the election only includes the election of an alderman in each ward. O. B. Lowe is running on the Citizens ticket against C. F. McClure on the Peoples. In the second G. S. Thompson on the Citizens against T. F. Harris on the Peoples, and in the third Charles H. Monroe, Citizen against J. T. Enterline, Peoples.
Carl Thompson visited friends in Shelbyville Sunday.
Walter Daum and Miss Martha Butts of west of this city, were married Sunday evening by Rev. A. T. Cary, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The ceremony took place at the manse. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Butt of Dunn Station and is a niece of William I. Sickafus of this city.
Mrs. J. R. Conrad went to Decatur Monday morning for a visit with relatives.
Miss Emma Green returned to her work in Decatur Monday morning, after spending Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cash W. Green and family.
Mrs. Millard Monroe went to Decatur Monday morning with her daughter, Miss Lena who is attending school there.
Will I. Sickafus transacted business in Bethany Saturday.
Decatur Daily Review, May 8, 1912
Lovington People Would Also Censor Moving Pictures.
Lovington, May 8 -- The new village board met Monday evening and authorized the payment of bills against the village and organized for the coming year. No other business was transacted at this meeting but an adjournment was taken until next Monday evening when they will appoint a treaturer, village attorney and police officers, and take up the regular grind.
One of the main things to be considered at the next meeting is a petition asking for an ordinance to prohibit Sunday baseball and requesting a village board of censorship to regulate Lovington amusements. The petition was circulated by the local preachers and was signed by about twenty of Lovington's business men and church members. There are two clauses in the petition the first requesting the city dads to pass an ordinance prohibiting Sunday ball games and the second for them to permit the churches to appoint a committee of five members together with the village board, for the purpose of regulating all amusements, including the inspection of all motion pictures before they be allowed to be shown to the public.
The petition was submitted to the board at their first meeting but it was tabled until next Monday. They have not announced what their action will be but Mr. Selby, president of the board, says he will place it into the hands of the ordinance committee for them to decide upon.
The new board consists of the following members:
Robert Selby, president; A. L. Wilt, clerk and J. W. Dawson, J. W. Mitchell, J. T. Rittman, L. G. Hostetler, M. C. Davenport and W. B. Dawson trustees.
President Selby has appointed the following standing commitees:
Finance -- J. W. Mitchell chairman, L. G. Hostetler, M. C. Davenport.
Street and alleys -- J. W. Dawson chairman, J. J. Rittman, M. C. Davenport.
Health and nuisance -- W. E. Dawson, chairman, L. G.Hostetler, J. J. Rittman.
Fire light and water -- L. G. Hostetler chairman; W. E. Dawson, J. J. Rittman.
Public buildings -- J. W. Mitchell, chairman; W. E. Dawson, M. C. Davenport.
Ordinances -- M. C. Davenport, chairman; L. G. Hostetler, J. J. Rittman.
Police -- W. E. Dawson, chairman; J. W. Mitchell, J. J. Rittman.
Railroads and drainage -- L. Hostetler, chairman; J. J. Rittman, M. C. Davenport.
Byron Cheever has laid off an addition of forty eight lots adjoining B. Cheever's second addition to Lovington and lying north of the coal shaft. He is offering the lots for sale at prices ranging from $165 to $200 each. The West Lawn addition, which was opened Monday by Int Stanley and A. A. Brown, is located in the west end of town, and the lots are being sold at prices ranging from $175 to $350. Nine of these West Lawn lots were sold on Monday and three of the purchasers will begin the erection of residences this month.
J. M. Shepherd, president of the Shepherd National Bank, returned Tuesday morning from a business trip to Chicago.
Miss Nellie Munch was the guest of her brother, the Rev. Curtis Munch, at his home in New Holland over Sunday.
B. E. Bowers transacted business in Decatur on Monday.
Decatur Daily Review, June 6, 1912
Lovington Village Board Rejects Ordinance - Township Buys Road Tractor.
Lovington. June 12. -- The village board turned down an ordinance prohibiting Sunday baseball at their meeting Monday evening, the vote standing 4 to 2. Those voting in favor of the ordinance were J. W. Mitchell and W. E. Dawson. Those voting "nay" were L. G. Hostetler, M. C. Davenport, J. W. Dawson and J. J. Rittman. This action will end the controversy so far as the board of trustees are concerned.
In determining the matter the members who voted against the ordinance gave as a reason for their stand that public sentiment ie largely in favor of Sunday games as long as they are conducted in an orderly manner and that, should the games result in disorder or become a disturbance, the statute of the state affords ample protection to the public.
The opposition to Sunday games has been led by Rev. R. B. Hubbart, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, under whose direction the ordinance presented Monday evening was prepared.
The commissioners of highways of this township on Monday contracted for a 46 horse power crude oil tractor from the International Harvester people for use on the public highways. The machine will be delivered this week. The price of the tractor is stated at $2,400.
Workmen are installing a private electric lighting plant at W. 0. Wood's farm residence near this city this week.
Decatur Daily Review, August 3, 1912
(Click on image to see the full-size map.)CAME TO SULLIVAN WITH ONLY 65 CENTS
Albert Wyman Left Enough Money to Build Park.
Sullivan Aug 1 -- Albert Wyman who left the estate and gave the money to the city of Sullivan whereby the Wyman park was made possible was born in Berlin Germany, on July 10 1833 and died in his room over what is now the Hughs shoe store on April 11, 1914
Mr. Wyman came to this country in 1857 landing in New York City, and after remaining there for a short time came on to Chicago. He remained only a short time going to Davenport Ia. He worked at his trade of shoemaker in these cities. He only remained in Davenport only one winter and then went on to New Orleans. He was there at the outbreak of the war and boarded the last steamboat that went north before the blockade was declared.
He stopped 1n St. Louis, Mo. where he enlisted at the call for ninety day men, serving in the second Missouri Infantry. His term expired a day or two before the battle of Wilson's creek but not having been discharged he took part in this battle.
After remaining to St Louis some time he went to Mattoon where he continued to follow his trade. He became acquainted with Mat Lehman one of the early citizens of Sullivan and a shoemaker by trade and he decided to come here although he had no thought of remaining. There was no railroad here at that time and he left there on foot to walk trough [sic: 'through'?]. He carried his kit of tools over his shoulder and had not proceeded far when he was over taken by the late James Hagerman father of B. F. Hagerman of this city. Mr. Hagerman had been to Mattoon on business and was returning home and invited the young man to ride. Mr. Wyman gladly accepted.
When he reached this city he had only sixty five cents in his pockets. His first work here was with Mr. Lehman who had a shop near the northwest corner of the square but he afterwards engaged in business for himself having a small shop on the west side of the square about the middle of the block. He afterwards bought a lot and in 1884 erected the building which he occupied until his death. He conducted his business for a number of years without the help of a clerk and not until twelve or fifteen years ago did he engage any help in his store.
The present proprietor, Thomas G. Hughs, began to work for him in 1894 and he soon won the unbounded confidence of Mr. Wyman and in March 1903 Mr. Wyman made him a present of the entire stock of shoes and in his will presented Mr Hughs with the two story building erected by him in 1884
At the time of his death Mr Wyman's estate was valued at something like $50 000. The picture of Mr. Wyman used with this article was taken a number of years ago and was the only picture of Mr. Wyman that could be found except a poor picture taken inside of the store.
The following is a part of the will of Mr. Wyman and refers to the giving of the money for the park.
I bequeath to the city of Sullivan all property after certain amounts have been given to Thomas G. Hughs and Miss Claudia Bushman, now Mrs. Thomas Casteel of Arthur daughter of a friend. According to the will not less than forty acres and not over sixty could be purchased for the park and it should lay adjoining the city so that it will be handy to the inhabitants. Said park shall always be kept open and free for the use of the inhabitants of the city of Sullivan Ill for general park purposes. Ordinances shall be passed by the city council of the city of Sullivan providing rules and regulations for the government of the park which shall have incorporated there in the following, to wit:
A -- No circus side show menagerie hippodrome or similar shows shall exhibit in said park.
B -- Said park shall not be used for baseball or football games or for any other purpose where an admission or entrance fee to charged or collected to give admission.
C -- Horse racing and all kinds of gambling and the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be forever prohibited in said park.The mayor of the city shall annually appoint, subject to the approval of the city council, a guardian of said park whose term of office shall be for one year and who shall be required to give bond in a sufficient sum to amply protect the said city for said park property under his control. The salary of said official shall be fixed by the city council. Said park shall be known as the Wyman Park.
The will goes ahead to say that if the city council does not go ahead inside of three years and purchase property for park purpose that the money shall he turned over to the school funds of this district. The land was purchased some time ago by the city council, something over forty acres being acquired all at a cost of a little over $18 000. Thirty-seven acres were purchased of J. B. Titus and the remainder of Charles H. Monroe and David Enslow.
(Click on image to see full-size portraits.)The work of improving the park site started early this spring. As soon as the purchase of the park was done and deeds made the park commissioners were appointed. They are Mayor F. E. Pifer, alderman first ward Charles F. McClure, alderman second ward F. M. Ray, and alderman third ward Charles Blackwell.
Mayor F. E. Pifer and Alderman Charles F. McClure have donated the most of their time this summer at the park where they have not only looked after the work but have gotten into the work themselves. Alderman Ray has also done a good deal of work at the park but nothing like as much as Mayor Pifer and Alderman McClure. Alderman Blackwell's work has not permitted him to be away so that he could assist very much.
Lucas Lambercht was appointed superintendent or guardian of the park and has given all of his time to the park end has taken a great interest 1n the work.
Mayor Pifer and Alderman McClure expect to rush the beautifying and finishing of the work at the park.
Decatur Daily Review, August 22, 1912
Letter to Stockholders Says Changes Must Be Made.
Lovington Aug 22 -- The stock and certificate holders of the Lovington Coal Mining company have been notified that a special meeting of the capital stock and registered first lien certificate holders of the company will be held at the office of the company in Lovington on Wednesday, Aug 28, commencing at 10 a. m.
The following purposes for the meeting as outlined in the notice served are:
- For the purpose of informing the capital stock and registered first lien certificate holders as to the physical condition of the property and the financial condition of the property since the fire which occurred on Sunday, Aug. 11, 1912.
- Also to make reports as to the physical and financial condition of the company in general.
- Also for the purpose of determining the wishes or the capital stock and certificate holders as to what is to be done In reference to continuing the business of the company under the present conditions and under the constant struggle for existence unsupported by working capital.
The notice which was in the form of a letter urged the stockholders to be present and become informed with the exact conditions of the company. It also made the statement that it is impossible to develop a sufficient output to make any money for the capital stock and certificate holders under the present conditions, and that something must be done at once, or the property would probably be lost to the present holders.
Ralph Collette On Stump in New York State.
Lovington Aug 22 -- Word has been received by relatives in this city that Ralph Collette, a former Lovington boy is now associated with the Wilson presidential campaign in New York and is making stump speeches in his interests throughout that state. Mr. Collette lived and attended school in Lovington about twenty-five years ago and is a nephew of Miss Minnie McCravey, and a brother of Misses Vera and Vivian Collette and Bernard Collette, all of this place.
He graduated from Harvard university in 1910, and the year following was admitted to the bar and was a member at the New York state supreme court until about a year ago when he became associated with the law firm of Sullivan&Cromwell, 49 Wall street, New York city, which he is with at present.
Mrs. J. A. Elliott has purchased the Fletcher Foster farm on which he now resides, and will take possession of it on March 1, 1912. The land is located just a short distance west of the corporate limits of Lovington and not more than a half mile from the business section of town. The consideration was $219 per acre, which is consildered a low price for the land.
Miss Madge Kearney and Miss Mabel Turner, who reside north of here, are the guests of C. A. Turner and family in Martin, Tenn.
Edson Hoggard and Newton Conn were in Chicago Wednesday.
Charles McCravey and family of Decatur, are visiting relatives here.
Parade Contrasts Styles of 40 Years Ago and Today.
Sullivan, Aug 31 -- The picnic which was held in the woods across the road from the Center school house in Jonathan Creek township Friday under the direction of the farmer class of Center was attended by about 2,000 people. The crowd began to show up last from t0 o'clock on and by the noon hour there was a large crowd present, but not near so large as in the afternoon when a large number of people from this city drove out after dinner.
The Sullivan Concert band was taken out by the Sullivan business men and furnished the music for the day. The speakers were Senator Dunlop and wife Miss Evans and Professor Rankln of the University of Illinois.
The rest of the program followed the noon hour.
The entire program was a children's parade headed by the Sullivan Concert band, which started at the home of Mr. Landers, one-fourth of a mile away from the picnic grounds. It had all of the children from fifteen years and younger in it. The band was followed by a pony with the customary Indian poles and the Indian squaw riding. This was followed by twenty children dressed as Indians. Then came the Pilgrims and the moving wagon covered to represent the old way of traveling from one location to another. Then came the one horse walking plow, three horse sulky, one horse double riding plow.
The last two wagons in the parade represented the Center schools forty years ago, and the school up to date. The first wagon had the children dressed as they did forty years ago, and the wagon was fitted up like the school room of that date. The second wagon was arranged like the up to date schools of today, having the modern seats and the children dressed up fn the modern styles.
This was followed by the young women's race, young men's sack race, boys' and girls' race, under fourteen years of age, colt judging by boys from fourteen to seventeen years of age, grain judging by boys from seventeen to twenty years of age, needle work judged by girls of thirteen to seventeen years of age.
The prizes for the different races were made up by merchants of this city.
The day proved to be an ideal one for a picnic except the extreme heat, but that was not noticed in the woods where there was plenty of shade. It was decided to make the picnic an annual affair.
The Powell family reunion was held in connection with the picnic, and a place was given them on the program.
Rev E B Whitney of Crooksville, will have charge of the pulpit at the Presbyterian church both morning and evening. All members of the congregation are urged to be present at both services.
William Kinsel, R. P. McPheeters, F. A. Purvis, Enoc Purvis, Robert Furgason and Charles Blackwell were among the Odd Fellows of this city who attended the I. O. O. F picnic at Decatur Friday.
Raymond Jenkins went to Danville Friday morning on a business trip.
A. J. Lindsay and two daughters, Misses Ruby and Louise, returned to their home in Shelbyville Friday evening after a visit here with the former's mother, Mrs. C. A. Lindsay
Oscar Moore, son of Mrs. George Moore, has received the appointment of United States mail carrier from the postoffice to the different depots of the city. He in supposed to commence his duties Sunday morning.
Sullivan was very nearly deserted on Friday on account of the many picnics around here. The picnic of the farmers' class of Center, drew the large crowd. Lovington came in next for at least fifty. Windsor only received about fifteen and the I. O. O. F, picnic at Decatur about that many.
Miss Ruth Corbin arrived home from Decatur Friday noon, where she has been for a visit with friends
Mr. and Mrs George Lansden and daughter arrived home from Decatur on Friday, where they have been for a visit with relatives,
Mrs O C Worsham and two children arrived home from Bethany Friday noon, where she had been for s visit with her parents.
Phillip Kibbe returned to his home in Champaign Friday noon after a visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Fred Landers and little child returned to their home in Indiana on Friday afternoon after a visit here with the parents of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Droke.
Robert Noble of Bethany transacted business here Friday noon between trains.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Hengst and children returned to their home in Decatur Friday afternoon after a visit here with the former's mother, Mrs. Emil Hengst.
Mrs. John McCaig and son arrived home from Urbana Friday afternoon where they had been for a visit with her husband.
Mrs. John A. Monroe, Sr, was a Decatur visitor Friday afternoon.
Frank J. Thompson to Earl Horn, lots 4 and 6 in block 2 of R. M. Magill's addition to Sullivan; consideration $600.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Poland and little child left Saturday morning for a few days' visit with relatives at Havana.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaddis, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Barton, Misses Lena Monroe, Opal Ellis and Fred Gaddis and Ralph Monroe, who have been spending the weeks at Pifer's park, are expected to return to the city Sunday.
O. B. Lowe went to Decatur Saturday morning to attend the Progressive congressional convention and R. P. McPheeters went to Monticello to attend the senatorial convention.
Mrs. Allison Craig and little son went to Bethany Saturday morning for a visit with her parents.
Mrs. Charles H Bristow went to Decatur Saturday morning to see her sister, Miss Berths Haydon, who she expects to bring home with her as soon as she is able to leave the hospital.
Miss Rosa Corbin was a Decatur visitor Saturday.