Newspapers: 1908
"All the news that's fit to resurrect"
Decatur Daily Review, March 28, 1908
Vein of Coal Just Below the Rock Strata.
(Review Special Service.)
Lovington, Ill., March 28. -- The anxious days at the Lovington Coal company ended Thursday, when the steel shoe at the shaft was landed on sandstone rock at a depth of 149 1/2 feet. Just before reaching the sandstone six feet of shale was gone through.
The people of Lovington are jubilant over the fact that at last the large vein of water and sand that has given the sinkers so much trouble has been penetrated. Two shafts already have been abandoned. There has been scarcely any water and sand to contend with at the present shaft, and the success at this shaft is due to the diligent work of the superintendent, R. W. Campbell, who has been almost constantly on the ground. The shaft is located north and west ot the Vandalia depot in the Byron Cheever addition to Lovington.
The sandstone upon which the casing now rests is 80 feet thick; then a vein of coal two feet thick is reached. When the work of sinking is completed there will be two hoisting shafts 7 x 9 feet and one air shaft 8 1/2 x 9 feet. The work of sinking the shaft will cease now until the shaft is concreted. The concrete will be about 5 1/2 inches thick and will take about fifteen days to finish.
Notice of a meeting of all the stockholders has been sent to all certificate holders to the meeting next Tuesday, when the plans of the company will be discussed and a big meeting is expected. Every stockholder is expected to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. McCrarey will serve dinner on Tuesday to all women at the shaft.