Title: Moultrie County
Newspapers: 1904

"All the news that's fit to resurrect"

Decatur Herald, February 2, 1904


The Organization Will be Capitalized at $100,000

The new coal mine people are ready for business and have issued a prospectus, stating their intention and plan for developing their Lovington property. The name of the company has been changed to the Lovington Coal Mining Company, and $100,000 worth of first lien securities which are called registered certificates, have been issued and are placed upon the market.

The company owns about 5000 acres of coal rights, 105 acres of land, nearly $10,000 worth of machinery and material, and have underlying these rights an eight foot ten-inch vein of coal. In view of these holdings their stock has an exceptionally high value and they anticipate no trouble in finding a ready sale for it. -- Lovington Reporter

Decatur Review, February 3, 1904

Sullivan, Ills., Feb 3. --

R.P. McPheeters was in Lovington on business Monday.

J.W. Winters was a Decatur visitor yesterday.

S. T. Bolin spent Sunday with James Purvis in Jonathan Creek township.

Dr. Gladwell of Bruce was a business visitor here yesterday.

James A. Gregory of Lovington was here on business Monday.

Mrs. Edith Austin spent Sunday with friends in Decatur.

D. Baugher returned home yesterday, after a visit with relatives in Decatur.

Ansel and Anna Magill of the J. M. U. spent Sunday with their parents here.

Etta Six went to Williamsburg Monday morning to spend a few days with her father.

E. A. Silvers was a Lovington busi- (article cut off here)

Miss Rilla Stain, who is attending Brown's business college at Decatur, spent Sunday with home folks.

Miss Eva Elder, teacher of the sixth grade, is unable to be in the the school room this week on account of sickness. Ella cumins of the graduating class is acting as substitute.

Garret Wolf, alderman from the Second ward, was the first person to pay his taxes for the year 1904. The amount paid was $24.24.

Charles Twaddell, an ex-judge of Moultrie county, but now of Chicago, was here yesterday.

W.A. Duncan was a shipper of hogs from this point yesterday, which, notwithstanding the extreme cold, keeps up its record for business.

Roy Urich and Will Sheridan were Decatur visitors Tuesday.

O.L. Paterson was in Lovington on business yesterday.

The W.C.T.U. will hold its monthly meeting Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Edminston.

Miss Lute Dunscomb entertained her Sunday school class of girls at her home Tuesday night, ???????... and refreshments were indulged in. All had a jolly good time. There were about twenty present.


Installation of officers of the Royal Neighbors took place last Thursday evening. After the business hour the members entertained the Modern Woodmen and served refreshments.

The following are the officers for the ensuing year who were installed:

  • Oracle -- Daisy Eden.
  • Vice Oracle -- Kitty Craig.
  • Marshall -- Edith Haydon.
  • Recorder -- Oyrene Petit.
  • Receiver -- Lizzie Harsh.

The managers will be installed at a later date.

Miss Nina Ashworth went to Monicello Monday to act as court stenographer, but as court was adjourned until Feb. 16, she returned Monday evening.

Aaron Miller, who a few days ago announced himself as candidate for circuit clerk, making a very active canvass. He is a young man and a staunch and active Democrat.

Decatur Daily Review, April 28, 1904


Five Present Plans for the New Court House.

For Commencement Week of the Sullivan High School.

(Review Special Service) Sullivan. Ills., April 28 -- The members of the hoard of supervisors returned Tuesday evening from their tour of inspection of the court houses at Monticello and Hillsboro. They were much pleased with the plan and general appearance of the building at Monticello.


They met Wednesday for the purpose of receiving architects and considering their plans. There were five present with plans. J. M. Deal of Lincoln, architect of the court house at that city; Berkley Brandt of Chicago, architect of the Masonic home in process of construction just east of Sullivan; Mr. Rover of Urbana, architect of the Monticello court house, Fred Brown of Champaign and M. G. Patterson of Decatur. Fifteen minutes were given each architect to present his plans before the building committee.


Before closing its session the board decided to invite the Knights of Pythias to take charge of the laying of the corner stone. Senator Beveridge will be invited to deliver the address, and as it has been a number of years since he has visited Sullivan for that purpose, it is confidently hoped by the many friends of boyhood days that he may accept the invitation. The board adjourned to May 16.


The relatives of Sam Whelan, who was accidentally drowned at Thurmond W. Va. last Sunday, received a second telegram yesterday stating the body had been recovered and shipped to this place for burial. It is expected to arrive on the afternoon Central express from the south, in which case the funeral will be held at the M E. church at 3 o'clock, conducted by the pastor. Interment will take place at Greenhill. Samuel F. Whelan was born at Paris, Ills Nov 6 1876, died at Thurmond W. Va. April 24, 1904. He leaves a widowed mother, two sisters and two brothers here.


An elaborate program has just been issued for commencement week, as follows.

Baccalaureate sermon Sunday, May 8, 11 a.m., at M. E. church -- Rev T. H. Tull.
Senior reception to parents, classmates and friends Tuesday evening, May 10, at Masonic hall.
Class Day -- Wednesday, May 11, 3 p.m. opera house.
Commencement, May 11, 8 p.m., when the following program will he given by the class.
Music -- Orchestra.
Welcome -- Ella Cummins
Piano Solo -- Mae Dunscomb
Class History -- Agnes Fleming
Oration - 'From Possibility to Reality.' Daisy Booze
Vocal Solo -- Pearl Powell
Essay -- "Japan and Russia," Addie Wood
Oration -- "The Hign School Graduate" J. Paul Willey
Music -- "A Golden Day." high school semi-chorus
Reading -- "Doom of Claudius and Cynthia." Cora Lane
Oration -- "Earnestness." Ethel McDavid
Music -- Orchestra

Commencement program:

Overture -- Orchestra.
Invocation -- Rev. H. A. Davis.
Piano Solo -- Miss Flora McClure
Address for the Class -- Edward E. Wright.
Music -- Orchestra
Commencement Address -- President A. R. Taylor of James Millikin university.
Music -- Orchestra
Presentation of Class - H. A. Bone, superintendent of schools
Presentation of Diplomas -- B. F. Pedro, president board of education
Benediction -- Rev S. P. Taylor.
Music -- Orchestra

The class organization is as follows:

President -- Edward Wright.
Vice President -- Pearl Powell
Secretary and Treasurer -- Bliss Kirkpatrick

The members are Ella Cummins, Eva Blair, Ethel McDavid, Agnes Fleming, Clara Davidson, Cora Lane, Mamie Patterson, Daisy Booze, Edna Little, Grace Wright, Pearl Powell, Inez Bristow, Katherine Levhman, Ota Foster, Edward Wright, Paul Wiley, Grover Ashbrook, Addie Wood, Bessie Pemberton, Bliss Kirkpatrick, Vernie Harrsion [sic; probably 'Harrison'].


The reading Tuesday evening by Wallace Bruce Amesbury was not given as full a house as had been hoped, but those who attended gave him an enthusiastic welcome. The high school semi-chorus, consisting of ten of the high school girls, did very creditably and added much to the program.

Charley and Wesley Kuster received word yesterday of the critical illness of appendicitis of their brother-in-law, Conrad Preis, now of Olney, but who lived here several years until a year ago when he and his wife moved to St. Louis and from there to Olney. Wesley Kuster expects to go to Olney today.

O. C. Thayer and wife were Decatur visitors yesterday.

Jefferson Williams of Pleasant Grove was here on business Wednesday.

Mrs. Walter Eden and daughter spent the day yesterday at Lovington.

Mrs. Will Haydon went to Decatur Wednesday to spend a day or two with Mrs. Fred Baugher.

Mrs. Dunscomb visited at Windsor a day or two this week with her son, George Dunscomb and family.

Mrs. Daisy Townsend, who has been spending the winter with her father, A. J. Patterson, went to Terre Haute Tuesday, where she and her husband expect to reside. The latter has a position with the Vandalia railroad.

Decatur Herald, April 29, 1904


Supervisors are Visiting Around Getting Ideas

The board of supervisors of Moultrie county are inspecting various court houses in the neighboring counties this week getting ideas to be used in the plans for their new court house in Sullivan. At a recent election in Moultrie it was voted to build a new temple of justice there, and the board is now going about the work. The proposition to build a new courthouse has been voted down several times before but finally carried by a close margin. The Moultrie county jail is also in such condition that prisoners must be brought to Decatur for safe keeping, and it will have to be completely overhauled.

Decatur Review, July 16, 1904


Cushman, Ills., July 15. -- Miss Freda Minor of Sullivan was visiting with Scott Harris and family the past week.

Mrs. Pearl Fair and babe of Altamont were visiting with her father, George Selby, the past week.

Mrs. Ella Minor and children of Sullivan were visiting with Scott Harris and family the past week.

Miss Alta Selby of near here went home with her sister, Mrs. Pearl Fair, Saturday.

Miss Grace Rhodes of Sullivan is visiting with Scott Harris and family.

Allie Foster and family visited with relatives near Bethany Thursday and Friday.

Decatur Daily Review, August 19, 1904


Reorganized Company at Lovington Makes New Start.

(Review Special Service.)

Lovington. Ills., Aug. 19 -- The first work of digging a shaft was started by the Lovington Coal Mining company Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. This is the company that was organized to take over the rights and property of the Moultrie Coal company.

Joseph Stocks and Jasper Dyer, the first two gentlemen to subcribe for stock in the new company, were given the honor of throwing the first shovels of dirt.


The company secured an option on the property here only a little over six months ago and began work in the face of great obstacles. However, it has overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties and reached a point where success is practically assured.

The company has two veins, one eight feet and ten inches thick, at a depth of 900 feet. Analysis of the coal show that it is identically the same as that taken out at Assumption, probably the best in Illinois.

Several Decatur people have taken stock in the new company and the president, Cyrus A. Potts, lives in Decatur.

Two shifts of men are at work on the mine until the big steel shoe is lowered below the surface, which is expected to he done by Monday. The tipple will then he erected and another shift put on.

The work is in charge of Robert Campbell of Decatur, and the shift bosses who will he in charge of the work after Monday are also from Decatur. They are Manny Campbell, Shirley Brockman and William Pate. There will be eight men to each shift.

Decatur Review, December 30, 1904


Lovington, Ills., Dec. 29. -- Mrs. J. H. Sullivan and daughter Miss Myrtle were Decatur visitors Thursday.

Miss Lillian Gregory came over from Decatur Thursday to spend the holidays with home folks.

Faud Pollard is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pollard.

Misses Flossie Shepherd and Bonnie Drake, who are students at the Woman's college at Jacksonville, and Misses Alice Dawson and Alice Porter, who are instructors at the same place, are visiting home folks.

Miss Mary Cooper of this place and Dr. Miller of Mattoon were united in marriage at Decatur Thursday. They returned home Friday. Mr. Miller returned to his work Monday and Mrs. Miller will remain with her parents here for the present.


The Christmas entertainments here this year were exceptionally good. The one given by the school at the opera house Friday evening was fine and proved that the young folks had been thoroughly drilled. An admission of ten cents was charged and the house was filled. The entertainment given by the Christian Sunday school Saturday evening was first class in every particular. A Santa Claus and Christmas tree were the main features. An admission of a large potato was charged and a barrel of potatoes was collected. They are to be donated to a charitable institution. A large crowd was present. The M. E. entertainment Sunday evening was largely musical and did not lack in interest. It seemed to please the audience. The church was filled to Its capacity. The program consisted of solos, duets, recitations and cornet music.

The M. E. revival has closed. Rev. Mr. Jones of Ohio occupied the pulpit Sunday morning.

Alva Witt, who is attending the university at Urbana, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Witt.


The building for the Lovington Manufacturing company is inclosed and the interior work is being done. The machinery is in the building and will soon be placed in position. A Untnam [difficult to read] rotary engine has been placed in the building, which will furnish the power for the plant. The factory will be in operation early in the year. W. N. Conoley, president of the company, will move over from Decatur next week and take charge of the work.

Miss Ida Brown, who is teaching near Cadwell, is home this week.

W.B. Shook and family spent Sunday with A. Stivers and wife in Arcola.

Professor Edgar S. Jones, H. C. Munch and Miss Lillian Gehert went to Springfield Tuesday to attend the state teachers' convention.

Miss Bertha Pots, who is teaching in Piatt county, is visiting home folks.

Mrs. Edgar S. Jones is visiting relatives in Monticello this week.

Za [sic; perhaps short for Zachary] Conovan and family of Mattoon are visiting relatives here.

Henry Dawson and family ate Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hostetler at Cushman.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crawford of Hindsboro are the guests of A. G. Foster and family.

Mrs. A.S. Creech and children visited relatives in Sullivan over Sunday.

Claud Hostetler, who is attending the Chicago dental college, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hostetler.

Owen Cochran and family of Decatur are visiting the former's father, Charles Cochran, north of town.

M. M. Howard and family were guests of M. M. Durham the latter part of the week.

Mrs. Fanny Burt and children of Proctor are guests of Mrs. Burt's mother, Mrs. Mary E. Hewitt.

James Wall of Fairfield visited friends here Christmas.

Wesley Porter is over from Decatur.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Bright of Newton are visiting relatives here.

James Daley was up from Sullivan over Sunday.


The coal mine is getting along nicely. They only lack a few feet of being; on hard pan. When this is reached they will be safe and free from water as when on the rock. Coarse gravel is being hoisted now. Superintendent Campbell has a full force of men now and is pushing things very rapidly. This cold weather is a little hard on the top men, but they have a little house adjoining the frame work with a hot stove in it, making it very nice for them. The tramway la also covered with galvanized tin so the only tine the men are exposed is when they are hoisting and lowering the bucket. Ed Hewitt is hauling coal for the company now in the place of Dan Binkley. who resigned. Dan Binkley and Sheltan Bricker are both working in the hole.

Miss Clara Fritter of Normal is the guest of Miss Maud Howell.

O. B. House is home from St. Louis.

Dr. Sam Donovan and Floyd Donovan are home from St. Louis on a visit to home folks.

Professor C. H. Hoggett of the James Millikin university was the guest of relatives here Friday.

L. W. Sutter was home from Terre Haute Sunday.

School is out this week for the holidays.

Dr. W. H. Coover spent Sunday in Maroa visiting relatives.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Funston Monday.

Oliver Wrightman of Urbana is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Rosen Wrightman.

Howell & Pifer have one load of stone on the ground for their new lumber shed. The foundation will be laid as soon as the weather will permit. The building will be 60 x 120 feet. The stone came from Joliet.

Ed Conard is over from Brazil, Ind.

J. C. McKnight was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Hamilton, in Carlock, over Sunday.

The Rebekahs gave a supper and freak show at the I.O.O.F. hall Wednesday evening which was a grand success.