Newspapers: 1903
"All the news that's fit to resurrect"
Decatur Herald, January 20, 1903
Miss Geneva Knapp of Decatur is visiting Mrs. Lenn Hosteler.
The funeral of Mrs. Charles Cohren [sic; this refers to Nancy J. Cochran, buried in Hewitt Cemetery.] was held at the family residence Thursday afternoon, Rev. Edgar officiating. Her husband was lying sick at the time with lung fever.
There are five children of the Davis family now sick with the smallpox.
Mrs. Grace Hosteter and her sister, Miss Fern Dawson, went to Paris Thursday to attend the wedding of a cousin.
On Tuesday several of the citizens helped themselves to some coal from off a car that was being caried through to Stewartson by the Wabash railroad.
The drilling for the coal shaft pump is down about 75 feet. A lay off was taken on acount of the extreme cold weather.
The little son of Scott Harris is sick with a very bad cold.
Miss Clo Dawson entertained several of her friends on Wednesday afternoon in honor of her birthday.
Mell Crews of Arcola is making visits here most every week looking after horses.
Much corn is being marketed these days.
Jan. 15.
Decatur Daily Review, January 26, 1903
But Robbing of Coal Trains Continues.
Sullivan Has No Coal but Can Get Wood.
Sullivan, Ills. Jan. 26. -- It is an old saying that "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good", but it does seem that the coal famine gives some people excuse to get free coa1 from the passing trains. If a man's family is freezing and he actually needs the coal it is not so bad but just how long the railroads will endure the same performance day after day remains to be been.
A lot of coal is thrown off every day as the through freight on the C.&E.I. goes north. But two cars of coal have been delivered here the last week and were it not for the wood being used there might be suffering here.
S. A. D. Brace, the gentlemanly I.C. agent at Allenville, was here Saturday on business.
Simon Niles and Ed Dazey of Findlay were here Saturday on business.
R. M. Pendro was in Shelbyville Saturday on business.
The Bonnan Price company presented the play entitled "Indiana Folks" to a good house Saturday night. This was a good play and was well presented by Miss Price and her company. John Castigan, the musical director of the company, rendered some excellent music which was greatly appreciated by the audience.
W. S. Young of Whitley township was here Saturday on business.
J. W. Brackney one of Lowe township's substantial farmers, was here on Saturday.
J. W. Luttrell of Lovington was here Saturday to get the tax books for his township. Mr. Luttrell is the collector for Lovington township this year.
W. H. Sullivan and his brother, Leno Sullivan, returned Saturday from Hazel Dell, Cumberland county, where they had been visting Jesse Sullnan and family.
Beldon Briscoe was home this week visiting his father, who lives southwest of the city. Beldon has a good position as conductor on the elevated railroad in Chicago.
Austin Wood of Lovington was here Friday night.
B. N. McMullin of Lovington visited friends here Saturday.
A. L. Calentine, one of the employees of the Sullivan broom factory, was a visitor in Lodge over Sunday.
Mrs. Lizzie Coward of Hammond visited her daughter, Mrs. Joe Freeman, here last week.
W. A. Waggoner of Bruce was here Saturday between trains.
R. C. [Initials difficult to read] Livers left Saturday on the I. C. noon train for Hot Springs, Ark. where he will spend the remainder of the winter.
Hugh Lilly of Windsor was here Saturday on business.
William Pierce of Coles was here Saturday on business.
Allenville, unknown publication, 1903
[Note: This article was already on the web site when I adopted it, and dating it is difficult. From the last news item, marking the birthday celebration of Stephen Childers, it is clearly from March, as he was born on March 7, 1847. However, March 7 fell on Saturday in 1903, and on Monday in the following year.
This would suggest that the party, known to occur on Monday, dates this report to 1904.
However, 'Grandma Leffier' (almost certainly Emiline Leffler) died on March 5, 1904, and this would have been two days prior to Mr. Childers' birthday, even though she is reported as 'quite sick' in the days following Mr. Childers' March 7 birthday.
I believe that there are two possible resolutions:Without more definitive information, I leave this dated to March 1903.]
- If this was published in a Moultrie newspaper, news of Mrs. Leffler's death would have travelled with sufficient speed to preclude this mixup. In this case, the item is from 1903.
- If it was published elsewhere (perhaps Mattoon or Decatur, dependent on remote correspondents), it is possible that Mr. Childer's birthday party occurred on his natal day, and that news of Mr.s Leffler's death did not reach the publisher until later. In this case, this item dates from 1904.
Grandma Leffier is reported quite sick.
Columbus Misenheimer is reported very sick.
Born, to David McCartis and wife, a daughter.
Influenza seems to be the prevailing aliment.
Quite a number have joined the grippe army.
Two of Jird Peter's children have the small pox.
Smith Ash and Cicero Galbreath were in Mattoon Tuesday.
War news seems more important than political issues at present.
William Pierce from Mattoon was a business visitor in Allenville Thursday.
Mrs. Clark and daughter were business visitors at Mattoon Wednesday.
L.R. Smith & Co. of Sullivan have purchased the Mattoon elevator of this city.
Mr. Edwards, a deaf mute from Whitley Creek, has moved into Mrs. French's property.
James Barns from north of Mattoon was promenading the streets of Allenville Wednesday.
Lum Funderburk of Mattoon has moved back to Allenville, he intends to work for Frank Allgood this summer.
The Republicans of this township met enmasse Saturday, spending the afternoon hunting nominess for the various offices.
Benjamin Parker, who bought out C.W. Fay, is fixing up his store and putting in a new stock of goods. Give him a call before purchasing as he is the cheapest store in town. Highest market price for eggs.
A birthday surprise was given to Stephen Childers by his children and a few friends last monday. A fine dinner was served and in the evening all enjoyed a fine musical. Mr. Childers received several elegant presents for which he made a fine talk. The writer was kindly remembered by receiving many good things to eat. All report an enjoyable time and wished Mr. Childers many more happy birthdays. [Note: born 7 Mar 1847. This was on a Saturday in 1903 and on Monday in 1904]
Decatur Daily Review, March 14, 1903
Sullivan Employer's Regard for a Clerk.
Plans for the New Masonic Home.
Sullivan, Ills., March 14.-- It is not often that a merchant in these days thinks enough of his clerk to make him a gift of a stock of goods that is worth several thousand dollars, but just such an occurrence took place here. The merchant was Albert Wyman, the veteran boot and shoe dealer, and the clerk that received the magnificent gift was T. G. Hughes. Mr. Wyman has been in the business for nearly forty years and in that time has built up a trade that is second to none in the city. He was born in Germany and has no relatives living. Desiring to retire from the active duties of life, on account of ill health he generously gave his entire business to Mr. Hughes. The latter has been with him for nearly ten years, is a man of high character sound business judgment and eminently fitted to carry on the business successfully. Mr. Wyman will still make this his home.
WORTH $5000.
The gift of the stock of goods to Mr. Hughes is entirely unconditional and is a voluntary transfer of property worth at least $5000 by Mr. Wyman to Mr. Hughes. Mr. Wyman has had this transfer in mind for several months. He at first thought of making Mr. Hughes a Christmas present of the stock, but for some reason did not make the gift at that time. He has much other property, including the building in which the store now is. It is understood that the gift includes the free rent of the building, Mr. Hughes occupying it without charge, and the owner of the building paying taxes and keeping up repairs. Mr. Wyman is a wealthy bachelor with no near relatives. He has enough to live on comfortably, and therefore is not depriving himself any in making this present to his friend.
Sullivan, Ills., March 14. --The plans and specifications for the new Masonic home soon to be erected on the Miller farm east of our city have been on exhibition at the Merchants' and Warmers' State bank for a day or two, and have been examined by a large number of interested citizens. The building is to be a magnificent structure, and will be made of pressed brick with stone trimmings, with an interior that will be practically fire proof. The first floor will contain laundry, kitchen, dining room, assembly room, storage, etc. The second floor will have reception room, parlor, hospital and bath rooms. The third floor will have more bed rooms, a sick room and two large dormitories for children. There will be bathrooms on each floor and every other convenience that such a building should contain has been provided. Work will commence at once or as soon as the material can be hauled to the place.
The Bell telephone people are in town today removing their office from Pate & Co.'s drug store to the Sullivan telephone office and hereafter any one desiring to use the Bell lines will go to the central office, unless he has a 'phone on the Sullivan lines and has made arrangements with them to secure service on the Bell lines over the other system.
George Cole moved to Decatur Wednesday.
Irving Shuman, cashier of the State Bank, was in Springfield Wednesday.
Miss Eva Whalen is the new clerk at Hughes' bakery.
George A. Sentel has been reappointed master in chancery for a term of two years.
The meetings at the Christian church will come to an end this week. Rev. H. A. Davis lots been employed as pastor of the church for the ensuing year, and will enter upon his duties the first of April. Rev. Mr. Curry tendered his resignation some time ago, the same to take effect April 6.
The last number on the Citizens' Lecture course was given last night by Colonel Copeland, the famous lecturer. Quite an interest has been taken in these numbers, each one being greeted with a full house.
Miss Gertrude Davis is night operator at the telephone office and in the day time she is employed in Landis' dry goods store.
Circuit court will convene next Monday with judge Philbrick in attendance as the official dispenser of justice. The grand jury is at work this week although Judge Cochran is holding court in other towns in the district. There were over twenty attorneys in attendance at the opening of court Monday.
John H. Meek to Clinton Davis, e 1/2 nw 1/4 12, 13 4; $6000. J. R. Roberts to James Creighton, 271 acres in sec s3 and 4, 12, 6; $20,400. John W. Poland to William Emil, nw 1/4 25, 13, 5; $8,200. J. A. Gregory to James W. Bridges, 2 lots in Lovington; $200. S. F. Hoke to Belle Hoke, und int [i.e. undivided interest] in see 4, 13, 5; $150. S. D. Stocks to S. F. Hoke, e 1/2 blk 1, Camfield's add to Sullivan; $3,000. John Kaericher to Hugh Roney, 2 lots in Meeker's add; $800. J. F. Martin to A. D. Hobbs, lots In Arthur; $475. E. S. Pifer to C. D. Tucker, tract in Arthur; $50. S. A. Vradenburg to C. H. Thompson, 6 lots in Arthur; $800 James R. Wilson to John L. Loveman, sw 1/4 sw 1/4 11, 12, 5; $3,640, Arthur Warren to Nancy D. Monroe tract in 30, 14, 5; $270.
Thomas Campbell, Lovington ..... 22 Lydia Davis. Lovington ..... 22 Willis Patrick, Hammond ..... 21 Maggie Robey, Stewardson ..... 18 Rial Ward, Hampton ..... 63 Nora Smith, Hampton ..... 17 S. P. England, Coles ..... 21 L. S. Barker, Coles ..... 25
Decatur Herald, March 15, 1903
Sullivan Merchant Gives His Business to a Faithful Clerk.A business change that will have more than a passing interest to the people of Sullivan took place Monday when Albert Wyman, the veteran shoe dealer, transferred his entire stock to his clerk, T. G. Hughes. Some Intimation of this proposed change had been made at the beginning of the year, but that date was not in harmony with Mr. Wyman's plans, which have now been executed as he has for some time intended. The transfer of the stock is understood to be in the nature of a direct out-and-out gift to Mr. Hughes and also includes the free rental of the building for one year. Mr. Hughes has served as clerk for Mr. Wyman for the past eight years and has been thoroughly loyal to his employer's interests, capable and trustworthy in every respect, and in whom, he, as well as his customers, and the general public as well, have come to have the most implicit confidence. -- Sullivan News.
In 1870 when Wyman arrived in Sullivan, he was "on the road" and had 65 cents in his pocket. His idea was to work a few days at his trade and then go on. He secured steady employment, saved his money, ventured in business, prospered, and now retires.
Decatur Daily Review, March 22, 1903
Illinois' Monument Completed.
The Culver Construction company has completed the construction of the Illinois state monument at the battlefield of Shiloh. The work of constructing the monument has occupied the space of two years.
The principal figure of the monument is a statue of History, done in bronze. The figure is seated in a chair and from the tip of the feet to the top of the head it is fourteen feet in measurement. The statue is placed on a pedestal of granite seven feet square and thirty-two feet high. The whole monument la forty-six feet high and weighs 220 tons.
The monument was erected at a total cost of about $25,000. It is the first state monument on tha battlefield, though several other states are now preparing to erect monuments on the site. Iowa has a monument started that is to be about 200 feet high and the whole battlefield will soon be filled with imposing works of art.
[Note: Two moultrie units fought at Shiloh, Company B, 41st Illinois Infantry and Company F, 49th Illinois Infantry. John W. Bone, Willaim T. Freeland, and John C. Vaughn were killed, and Charles Walter Aubert was wounded. In addition, Adolphus T. Jenkins of Company A, 53rd Ohio infantry, who later moved to Moultrie County, as also wounded.]
Decatur Daily Review, March 26, 1903
Loses Its Roof by Fire Thursday Morning.
Lovington, Ill., March 26. -- A fire at O. W. Brown's residence this morning almost destroyed the roof. C. E. Ritchie at the Vandalia depot half a block away noticed the fire and gave the alarm. In just a few moments a large crowd of eager fighters were on the ground and made quick work of the fire. The furnishings were quickly moved and scarcely no damage was done to them
To a great many youngsters the society event of the season occurred Wednesday, when several young ladies entertained the Argonaut club in the rooms of the Shepherd bank building. A most enjoyable evening was spent by all present. The evening was spent in dancing, playing cards and enjoying refreshments. The young ladies, better known as the "Big Four Hundred," had taken especial pains to make ice cream and had it at the residence of G. M. Stivers. When the time came to move it they discovered that some mischievous boys had saved them the trouble, and had done it for them. But not giving up in despair they rolled up their sleeves and at once proceeded to outdo the boys and make up another lot. This they did and did not get out of sight of it until it was securely on the tables. The Argonaut club entertained the ladles at their rooms some time ago and the girls returned the compliment. The boys have about given it up as a bad job to even begin to equal the girls in a similar event in honor of the girls. Today the girls are very busy carrying home rockers, sofas, rugs, etc., they have borrowed.
At last the coal company has decided to put the Wood propelling pump in the coal shaft, as heretofore it has been unsuccessful on the outside. There have been times though when it has thrown a full stream, but sand and gravel and rocks prevented it from working properly. It is thought now they will have no trouble in clearing the shaft of its water, and going to the rock.
Decatur Daily Review, April 3, 1903
Lovington, Ills., April 2. -- J. S. Strohm is this week exhibiting a new steei range and serving biscuits and coffee.
The body of John Zarley arrived here Monday from Oakland and was interred in the Lovington cemetery. Mr. Zarley was a resident here at one time and was well known.
Misses Ethel and Ida Howard of Allenville were the guests of their grandfather, M. M. Durham, over Sunday.
Carr Duvall died at his home east of town Saturday after an illness ot scarcely a week. He had been suffering from weak lungs and died with asthma. Mr. Duvall was an old resident of this vicinity, a pood and honorable citizen, and had many friends who regret his death. Gardner Carr Duvall was born In Harrison county, West Virginia, Dec. 9, 1849. He came to Illinois in February, 1865, and was united in marriage to Hester A. Lawson at Williamsburg, Ills., Oct. 13, 1869. To this union were born eight children, one dying in infancy. The surviving children are Mrs. Maggie O. Hostetler, William E. Duvall, married, Mrs. Maude E. Hamilton, Mrs. Grace S. Grady, Charley E., Jessie P. and Jennie F. Duvall. The latter three still live at home and the remainder, except Mrs. Grady, who resides at Hammond, all live in this immediate vicinity. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. Edgar officiating. Mr, Duvall was an honored member of the local Masonic lodge and that order marched in a body to the church. The services were largely attended, the church being full. The Masons had charge of the services at the Lovington cemetery and he was laid away according to the rites of that order.
James A. Green received a telegram on Wednesday morning from Brazil, Ind., announcing the death of his niece, Miss Dema Roach, which occurred early that morning. Miss Roach went to Brazil about two months ago with the view of benefiting her health, as she was suffering with consumption. Instead of being benefited she gradually grew worse until the end came. Her death is quite a shock to a great many of her friends here, as they did not know she was so bad off. Miss Roach had always made her home with her uncle, J. A. Green, here, being an orphan quite young, was of a kind, loving disposition, and her friends are only limited by her acquaintance. She was 24 years, 1 month and 20 days old at the time ot her death. She had been a Christian girl for many years, a member of the M. E. church and Epworth league. She has been a sufferer from disease for about a year. Mr. Green went to Brazil Wednesday morning and will return this morning with the corpse. The funeral will be held Friday morning at the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. J. P. Edgar. Interment will be at the Lovington cemetery.
Miss Minnie Sutter visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Monroe, at Sullivan over Sunday.
Mrs. J. P. Edgar went to Sheldon, Ills., Monday to spend the week with her parents.
Harve Creech of Sullivan was the guest of his brother, A. S. Creech, Sunday.
George Baggs returned to Terre Haute Monday to take up his work as painter again.
Mrs. A. S. Creech and son Henry of Carbondale, Ill. were guests of her husband, A. S. Creech, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Creech has been visiting in Sullivan.
Roy Wright went to Louisville, Ky., Thursday on business, returning Monday.
Mrs. Hattie Keith returned Friday from Louisville, Ky., where she had been visiting relatives a month.
Miss Alma Wren of Hammond visited relatives here over Sunday.
A. Hoots went to Cincinnati, O., on Monday to buy a spring and summer stock of clothing.
J. J. Rittman resigned his position as superintendent of the coal shaft Monday. His resignation is due to the dissatisfaction that existed among several of the stockholders, who seemed to think that Mr, Rittman was responsible for all the slowness and bad luck at the shaft. The company is corresponding with several men, but has not hired a superintendent yet. They want a good man who has an established reputation as a sinker. There is a good opening for the right man.
John Foster and wife returned from Datona, Fla., Thursday, where they have been spending the winter.
Mrs. W. B. Shook was in Arthur on Thursday visiting relatives.
Jason Campbell of Arthur was the guest of relatives here Wednesday.
S. H. Blaine and wife returned to their home in Petersburg Thursday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charley Beall Monday, March 30.
Art Dawson of Decatur was on our streets Saturday.
James Bridges has his handsome cottage on the Gregory-Cochran lots almost completed.
Miss Evalyn Cook visited in Decatur Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Lanum of Latham were guests of relatives here the first of the week.
William Lewis returned from a visit in Indiana Thursday.
Brad Davis and Miss Ina Sprinkle visited friends in Hammond Sunday.
Sam Donovan returned from St. Louis Saturday having finished the winter term in the Barnes medical college there.
J. T. Hudson loaded his household goods Saturday and left with them for New Mexico. Mrs. Hudson and daughter, Miss Leta, left Monday. Mr. Hudson has bought city property there and expects to make their future home there.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Stivers of Sullivan are visiting relatives here.
Miss Eva Wood of Arthur is visiting here.
Decatur Daily Review, November 26, 1903
Sullivan, Ills., Nov. 26. -- R. DeMotte went to Champaign last night to spend Thanksgiving with home folks.
E. O. Dunscomb went to Jacksonville yesterday to visit his daughter, May, who it attending the young ladles' seminary at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Monroe arc spending Thanksgiving with the former's friends Mr. and Mrs. Daw Lutter.
Misses Grace Cochran, Ella Steele, Clara Monroe and George Sentel, Dr. Keel and Frank Reese will attend a social function at Monticello tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. George Reimund and daughter Grace are attending a Thanksgiving reunion of Mr. Reimund's brothers and sisters at the home of his mother in Urbana.
Mr. Benson, the Masonic Home contractor, went to Peoria Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and baby are celebrating Thanksgiving at Tolono as guests of an aunt and grandmother of Mr. Thompson.
Noah Stricklan left today for Marquette, In., for a visit.
Judge Cochran is expected to eat Thanksgiving dinner with home folks.
Emery and Arthur Creech and families are spending the day with their mother at Bethany.
The two daughters of Mack Birch are spending Thanksgiving at Bethany.
A. L. Stivers and wife went to Lovington this morning to spend Thanksgiving.
Mrs. James Taylor, Jr., and family went to Cerro Gordo this morning.
Mrs. Adah Bristow and Mrs. Louisa Elder returned from Lincoln yesterday. They were called there by the sickness of a sister, Mrs. Fruit.
Masters Harold and Stanley Pogue are spending Thanksgiving with their grandmother at Jerseyvile. Their father accompanied them as far as Springfield.
Mrs. Cicero Lane is spending Thanksgiving at Weldon with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Crawley are with relatives in Mattoon for a few days.
Anthony Bail and wife of Effingham are spending Thanksgiving here with the latter's mother.
Martin Phillipps, who has been in poor health for some time, intends to go to Mattoon today to take treatment under Dr. Frye.
Webb Tichenor, who has a position at Villa Grove, is spending a few days with home folks.
Mrs. Dack Bond and daughter of Charleston are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Bond have a wide circle of friends here, having resided several years on the farm just east of town, now owned by S. C. Ellis.
Sam Kuster of Decatur is visiting his brothers and enjoying a hunt.
John Gauger went to Decatur yesterday to visit his sister Cora, who will return with him today to spend Thanksgiving.
The following are the names of the children who were prize winners in the turkey drawing given by the David Bros. hardware firm yesterday afternoon: Oscar Moore, Edith Barber. Dennis McCarthy, Harry Hohe, Goldie Grigsby, Fern Lewis, Mack Booze, Poisel Ruth Bradley and Hazel Wilburn.
The schools are closed until Monday, at with which a general promotion will take place among the grades. There were appropriate Thanksgiving exercises conducted in most of the rooms Wednesday afternoon.
Dr. Stedman, G. N. Todd, A. J. Lindsay, and S. B. Hall were in Mattoon Wednesday night attending Masonic lodge.
Art Lux of Lovington transacted legal business here Wednesday.
The last will and testament of the late Milo Freese has been probated. He was the owner of personal property amounting to $2,000 to 3,000 and of 180 acres of valuable land. C. S. Bathe was appointed executor and guardian of the two children. Sentel & Whitfield are the legal advisers for the estate.
Ora Nihisor, Bethany ................... 16 Lena Lane, Long Creek, Macon Co ........ 17 LOVINGTON.
Lovington, Nov. 26. - Will Foster, A. W. Lux and L. G. Hostetler returned from Chicago Saturday, where Mr. Hostetler was taking higher degrees In Masonry.
J. H. White and family of Williamsburg were in Hindsboro Wednesday and Thursday, where Mr. White was attending Masonic meetings.
E. E. Watson of Williamsburg sold his general store Thursday to a man in Garrett who took posession as soon as the transfer was made.
James Dailey of Decatur was the guest of his mother here over Sunday.
James H. Wood, the only acting elder of the Christian church, has employed Rev. M. D. Sharples as pastor of the congregation for another year.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Pifer were guests of relatives In Sullivan Monday.
Many of the farmers are finishing up their corn husking this week. If the weather continues favorable nearly all the farmers will finish this week.
J. A. Gregory was a business visitor in Sullivan Saturday.
A. S. Creech and Clint Strain and family will attend a reunion of the Creech family at Bethany Thursday. The reunion is held annually.
Mrs. W. B. Foster and niece, Miss Miriam Davis, of Indiana, were shopping in Sullivan Friday.
William Pepperdine was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Fannie Custer, at Blue Mound over Sunday.
The roof of Byron Cheever's residence caught on fire Sunday morning and the hose cart was run out, but it wasn't used.
Mrs. Florence Hodson and daughter, Miss Ada, of Sullivan, were the guests of the former's father, H. Abbott, over Sunday.
Miss Bertna Wingate called on friends here Sunday.
W. C. Trabue and son Marion returned Friday from Washington state after a three weeks' stay. Mr. Trabue is very much pleased with the country and will locate there as soon as he can fix up his business here.
Elmer Thomas of Milmine was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Mary E. Hewitt Sunday.
School closed Wednesday, for the usual Thanksglving vacation. Excellent programs were rendered by the three lower rooms. Several patrons of the school enjoyed the programs rendered by the small children.
Clint Chase is very low with typhoid fever at his home on County street.
The Carroll school had a basket supper Friday evening. A large crowd went out from here. A considerable sum was made which will help their library. Miss Bertha Potts is the teacher.
O. J. Behen was in Springfield this week attending I.O.O.F. meetings. He was a delegate from the local order.
Victor Gony has opened up his new bakery and restaurant. Mr. Gony is putting out some excellent goods from his bakery and will soon build up a good trade, which he surely merits.
Walter Ray ot Findlay was the guest of his mother here over Sunday.
Miss Daisy Shook and Harry Pifer were Decatur shoppers Wednesday.
Miss Minnie Wood of Sheldon is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Edgar.
The local W.C.T.U. had a meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Smith on County street. County President Miss Minnie Edwards was present and made a good talk on their work.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Sheldon came Monday and are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. P. Edgar, this week.
Union Thanksgiving services will be held at the M. E. church Thursday evening, Rev. Mr. Maxcy of the F. M. church delivering the address.
Curt Munch was up from Sullivan Saturday.
A great many of the teachers from this place will attend teachers' institute at Sullivan Friday. Professor Edgar S. Jones is on the program for "When, Where and In What Way Is the Proper Time to Use Maps?"
The tenant house on the O. T. Atchison farm south of town was totally destroyed by fire Monday night. It took fire some time after 12 o'clock and burned until daylight. Mr. Baker, a farmer, was living in the house and saved all his household effects except some kitchen furniture and all the dishes. The origin of the fire is unknown. It Is very hard on Mr. Baker, as it will throw him out of a house for some time. A subscription paper for Mr. Baker's benefit was circulated and a considerable sum was raised for him.
The fine coach horse which Mr. Davin of Springfield attempted to sell here last summer for a firm at that place to a stock company here and which caused a lawsuit at the time, was advertised and sold Wednesday by Foster Brothers for a feed bill and care for it since it was left with them. The bill amounted to $216. Charley Six of Decatur came over and bought the horse for $208, which is a very cheap figure, as it is valued at $2,500. Mr. Six got a car and shipped it to Decatur.
Decatur Daily Review, December 8, 1903
Doctor Refused to Testify As to Woman's Mental State
Sullivan. Ills., Dec. 8. --- The will of the late Nellie E. Gifford, which was filed for probate last month, was taken up yesterday before the probate court, with Judge Hutchinson on the bench. Owing to the refusal of Dr. Bushart, one of the witnesses to the will, to give his affidavit as to the unbiased mental condition of the testatrix at the time the document was drawn up, it was decided null and void. The husband, Ernest Gifford, will in all probability be appointed administrator.
At a called meeting oŁ the ladies' association of the Methodist Episcopal church Monday aflernoon the decision to hold the annual bazaar in January was reconsidered, and it was decided almost unanimously to hold it Wednesday, Dec. 23. The ladles will have many articles on sale appropriate for Christmas presents.
The suit of Gasaway and Miller against the Wabash, which was tried at Shelbyville last week, was decided in favor of the defendant. A number of Sullivan citizens were called there as witnesses in the case.
The Masonic home is assuming fine proportions. The tile roof is being put on and the work in general is progressing as well as the scarcity of help will permit.
Charles L. Edwards, Decatur 26 Alpha R. Hall, Montrose ............... 17 George C. Stain, Sullivan ............. 24 Rosa M. Williamson, Sullivan .......... 18 Oscar B. Miller, Jonathan Creek ....... 22 Myrtle Ivy Bolin, Moultrie county ..... 17 C. W. Dixon, Lovington ................ 32 Clara Manwaren, Lovington ............. 30 Thomas J. Blackledge, Sidney .......... 23 Sophia B. Ellis, Sullivan ............. 23 MINOR SULLIVAN MATTERS.
Mrs. Will Sherman visited, at Bethany Monday.
Jim Winters and wife went to Decatur Monday afternoon.
James Berry of Dalton City transacted business here yesterday.
Ned Eden was at Allenville on business Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Lydla. Nicholson and daughter, Mamie of Todd's Point are the guests of the former's son, A. Nicholson, and wife.
The suspension of the Daily Democrat in no way effects the weekly paper issued by the same publishers.
Mrs. Richard Archer is a Decatur visitor today.
Mrs. Jack Farney went to Windsor Monday evening for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Lilly.
Mrs. B. D. Urich went to Decatur this morning.
Miss Sophia E. Ellis of Indiana and Thomas J. Blackledge of Sidney were quietly married at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Davldson Monday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Taylor. They went from here to Decatur, and will make their future home at Sidney.
Taylorville Man Will Pay Cash For Stock.
$80,000 WAS ISSUED.
This Insures Another Coal Mine.
Cyrus A. Potts of Taylorville has secured an option contract on three-fourths of the capital stock of the Moultrie Courty Coal company at Lovington. He is to pay in cash on June 1, 1904, the face value of ail of all stock that is sold to him. He will take all of the stock.
The capital stock is $80,000 and will be increased. As soon as the deal is closed a new shaft will be sunk.
This will enable the stockholders in the Lovington enterprise to get out without loss. They have spent about $70,000. Water kept them from completing their shaft. Work has been suspended since last spring. The shaft was down 109 feet and now has eighty-nine feet of water in it.
The new owners will get for their money the coal rights under 6,000 acres of land and 104 acres of land. The vein is eight feet, ten inches thick.
This deal makes the coal mine a certainty for Lovington and saves present owners from loss.
The Journeymen Barbers' union met last night and decided to reduce the price of shaving to ten cents, the price it was before the raise a few months ago. Hereafter it will cost five cents extra to have the neck shaved unless the customer also gets a haircut. The hours will remain the same as they have been. On Monday and Friday nights the shops will close at 6 o'clock. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday they will keep open till 8, and on Saturday till 11:30 p.m. The barbers will begin work at 7:30 each morning in the week.
[This apparently reports a change in Decatur, though the prices were probably similar in Moultrie County.]