Newspapers: 1902
"All the news that's fit to resurrect"
Work is going on at the coal shaft day and night.
Dr. and Mrs. Eldridge are expected home from Texas.
Agents are on the ground adjusting the losses by fire in the stores owned by Sutter and Ruckles.
C. G. Woods of Decatur gave an exhibition of a patent fire extinguisher on the streets Monday evening.
Lovington and Pierson ball teams crossed bats on the Lovington grounds to the tune of 16 to 13 in favor of the Pierson team Thursday afternoon.
Will Neff has opened a new store in the Neff block. It is to be dry goods and notions.
E. N. Lake is soon to put in ice cream parlor in his brick building.
Rev. Sala and wife are visiting in Pana. this week,
June 25.
Decatur Herald, September 9, 1902
Nine-Year-Old Walter Rose Dragged to Death By a Cow at Lovington Friday Evening.
Dead When Picked Up After Cow Had Run Fifty Yards.
Lovington, Sept. 5 -- Special to the Herald -- A shocking accident occurred here this evening which resulted in the death of Walter Rose, the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rose. The little fellow was dragged to death by the family cow. When picked up it was found that his neck was broken.
In company with Orville McGuire, aged twelve years, the little fellow had gone to a vacant lot in the village to bring home the cow. There was a long rope attached to the animal and the boy either tied this around his body or else became entangled in it while trying to stop the cow after she had bolted. Young McGuire who was a witness to a portion of the accident is of the opinion that tlie child became entangled after the cow started. The rope broke after the animal had run about fifty yards, but in that short distance the helpless little boy had been badly bruised about the body in addition to receiving the fatal injuries mentioned.
When picked up the end of the rope which had been attached to the cow was wound around the child's neck.
Decatur Herald, November 25, 1902
Mrs. Weare retained to her home in Ohio Friday after a visit with her brother, S. W. Clark and other relatives and friends.
John Kaericker and wife spent Sunday with Sullivan friends.
The ladles of the M. E. church will serve Thanksgiving dinner and supper at the church.
Dr. Vadakin and family attended the "Sultan of Sulu" at Mattoon Saturday night.
Dr. Davis has moved his family here and occupies the Mitchell property in the southwest part of town.
John Kennedy who has been sick in South Dakota died Saturday and the remains were sent here for burial. They arrived Wednesday. Funeral services were held at the C. P. church in the afternoon. He was a brother to W. C. Kennedy and Mrs. James Butts.
The twelfth annual Harvest Home was at the C. P. church last Thursday. The patronage was good and a number of liberal donations. The net proceeds were nearly $200.
Nov. 20.
[Note: The "C.P. church" was Cumberland Presbyterian.]
The season for revivals is here. The Baptlst people begun a series of meetings which will continue through this week.
Mrs. C. Esterline came home Saturday from Cerro Gordo, being called there by the illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Will Esterline.
T. H. Grantham Is building a barn on the property he bought on North Main street.
Grandma Carvin visited with her son, Charles and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hendricks of Gays were called here by the death of their grandfather Grandpa Seitz.
Mr. and Mrs. John Karicker of Bethany Sundayed with F. H. Grantham and family.
The C. P. parsonage will be complete in a short time.
Miss Ethel Munholland of Bethany spent Saturday with friend In Sullivan.
Mrs. Mont Steward of Allenville returned home Monday after a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. C. Esterline.
Grandma Vanhise, Mrs. John Dandy, Miss Stella Vanhise spent last week in Shelbyville.
Mrs. Charles Taylor is recovered from her injured limb that was broken last spring.
Nov. 20.
Lake City.
Miss Lina Selders and Lydia Saffell were Decatur visitors Saturday.
Uncle Whit Foley was at Decatur Saturday.
Mrs. L. G. Marlow left for Springfield Monday as a representative to the Grand Lodge of Rebekah's.
Whit Foley left tor Missouri Tuesday on a deer hunt. Uncle Whit is an old time deer hunter and if he gets a shot he says he is sure to get him.
Steve Byrum and Miss Salley Byrum of Mt. Zion spent Sunday here.
Lee Jolley of Chicago arrived Monday to visit friends and relatives.
Barney Sears and family moved to Hammond Wednesday.
Mr. Hord and family moved from town to Mr. John Bailey's farm.
Miss Lydia Sattell went to Mt. Zion Wednesday evening.
J. K. Miers and daughter Stella went to Springfield Thursday to visit relatives.
Mrs. James Foley was a Lovington visitor Wednesday.
Chas. Strain of Lovington was in town Wednesday looking for a location for a blacksmith shop.
Miss Ollie Bushart of Decatur visited relatives here Sunday.
The ladies of this place will give a free dinner to all the gentleman which comes Thanksgiving day and also an oyster supper at night which all will have to pay who eats.
Hr. Marckey Beetles returned to his home at Decatur. Mr. Beetles is employed as a mail carrier.
Jacob Payne and wife of Decatur visited J. D. Winnings and wife Sunday.
Robert Ault W H Dickson and wife were Decatur callers Monday.
Mr. Wilts Winnings of Oregon came Saturday to visit relatives.
Nov. 20.
Decatur Herald, December 30, 1902
Mr. and Mrs. John Putman are in Paris this week visiting their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Merkle.
Mrs. Dr. Hamilton is visiting her father, Captain McNight.
The fifth number of the lecture course was given Friday night. It was a scientific lecture by Professor Swift and was very profitable as well as pleasing. The lecture course so far has proved quite satisfactory.
Dr. Smith, who formerly practiced medicine here, but who is now in St. Louis, was here over Sunday renewing old acquaintances.
The Epworth League will have a social at the home ot W. S. Shirey Tuesday evening.
There will be a New Year's eve service at the Methodist church Wednesday evening.
The following young people are home from college for the holidays: Misses Ethel Dudley, Essie Howell, Etna Stivers, Myrtle Sullivan, Flossie Shepherd from Jacksonville, and Miss Alice Porter, one of the professors of the Woman's college of that place; Curtis Munch of Bloomington, 111., and Elmer Crawford of Quincy, Ill.
Joel Apple died Saturday morning of pneumonia. He had been sick less than a week and his death came as a severe shock to the family and friends. The funeral services were held Sunday in the Methodist church by his pastor, Rev. Edgar. He had been class leader in the church since 1894.
Dec. 23.
Dalton City.
Miss Louise Ferre visited Miss Vida Uppendahl over Christmas.
J. A. Roney and family visited his son, John Roney, over Christmas.
Miss Vida Uppendahl and Frankie Uppendahl are spending their vacation at home.
Dr. Uppendalil of Peorta visited home folks over Christmas.
The United Brethren church held its Christmas entertainment Tuesday night and had a very good entertainment.
The Presbyterian church's entertainment was a great success. It was conducted by Mr. Light. They had a number of pieces and nice songs and Miss Fay Roney sang a beautiful solo. There was also a very fine drill given by the pupils of the Sunday school.
J. L. Waldin, principal of the school, had to give up his school and return home. It is hoped by his friends that he will soon be able to conduct his school.
Bert Snyder and Ella Berry were married at the home of Dan Widner Wednesday night.
Miss Lena Hight spent her vacation at home.
Homer Grounds is visiting his friend Guy Ferre of Decatur.
Dec. 29.