Newspapers: 1900
"All the news that's fit to resurrect"
Dalton City Echo, July 27 1900
Mrs. S.C. (sic: should be C.S., for Charles Salvanis) Millsap and two small children went to Findlay last Thursday to spend a few days visiting friends. Friday morning her little son, aged two years, accidentally fell in a cistern and when discovered by its mother was dead. The child had been out of sight only five minutes. The little one was interred in the cemetery near Findlay Saturday afternoon before the father, who works for Julius Bicknell, received notice of its death. A telephone message was sent Friday morning but for some unexplainable reason did not reach Mr. Millsap until Saturday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Millsap have resided on J. Bicknell's farm north of town about one year. They came from Shelby county.
Decatur Daily Review, December 8, 1900
New Coal Shaft
Lovington Reporter: Work on the prospective coal shaft goes steadily on. Yesterday afternoon the drill was down 720 feet and the work will continue until they get down 1000 if a paying vein is not struck in the meantime. The promoters are still sanguine of success and the farther down the hole gets the more intense is the interest in the project. Several light veins of coal have been struck. These have ranged in thickness from four to twenty-five inches. At the depth of 550 a strong vein of salt was struck and salt water pushed out of the hole for several hours. A pint of the water was boiled down and several tablespoonsful of salt was obtained The cores are all being preserved and when the work is completed we will know just what kind of foundation we are resting upon.