Moultrie County Press – 13 February 1884
A. N. SHARPES, Editor and Publisher.
The Subscription Price of the Press is $1.50 a Year. Six months, 75 cents. Three months, 40 cents, payment in advance.
Subscriptions can commence at any time during the year.
Merritt School District
Plenty of mud.
School will continue another month.
Mr. Fount Hargis visited Arcola last week.
Miss Mattie Mackan was quite sick last week.
The debates at the Huffman school house are very interesting.
Wm. Merritt, Dougherty and Wm. Harding visited the school last Friday.
Joe Lashley bought a horse of Warren Fleeting; consideration, $100. He wants another.
Fred Homan, of Effingham, spent a few days with Wm. Merritt last week. He contemplates matrimony in a short time.
There was a meeting at the Minor on Saturday end Sunday of last week by the Dunkards, Rev. Arnold, of LaPlace, officiating.
Emory Armor has rented the farm where Mr. Wheeler lives, of Mr. Ray for this year. Mr. Wheeler will move to Jerry Hudson's farm near Lovington.
H. Dolan's house is near completion.
Mrs. M. E. Wright has moved to the country.
D. A. Gibson had an addition built to his house lately.
Asa Warren will occupy the house vacated by Mrs. Wright.
James Meldrum will do the plastering in Elmer Reeve's store room.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodworth, Feb. 8d, a boy; also, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Piper, a boy.
G. Maddock and Wm. Thomas has purchased, lots formerly owned by A. Murphy, each will build a dwelling house.
George Earhart has purchased the farm formerly owned by Henry Helton. Mr. Helton has moved to his farm
three miles east of Atwood.
Since last Sunday the Christian church has and will be occupied by a Christian preacher. We will have
to erect another church to hear our denominational brethren preach.
Morris Ansbacher was in Mattoon on Friday.
Mr. E. R. Newman, of Chicago, Sundayed in town.
W. G. Cochran was in town the latter part of last week.
Col. Allen Clore, of Lovington, was in town last Saturday.
Wade Hollingsworth went to Arcola on Monday for a two weeks visit.
Mrs. Hollingsworth left for Kansas on Monday to spend the summer.
The Plaining (sic) Mill that is being erected by L. Hagerman is nearing completion.
Mr. D. Baggett, principal of the school at Gays, spent Saturday in our town.
L. D. Brown returned last week from a three weeks. visit to his home in Hamilton, Mo.
Miss Anna Caine went to Chicago on Tuesday to make her home with Mr. Newman's family.
T. B. Stringfield left for Sheldon, Ia., last Saturday. He will engage in the real estate business at that place.
Prof. Gray's entertainment at the Opera House on last Friday night was well attended and everybody seemed pleased with it.
The revival that has been in progress at the M. E. church for the past two months closed on last Sunday night. There were several accessions to the church.
The masquerade ball to be held at the Opera House on Thursday night is to be the grandest ever held in Sullivan. Everything is being done to insure a good time.
Examination this week.
Miss Maggie Reynolds is very ill. School will close on the 14th of May.
Miss Louie Fread gave us a short, but very pleasant visit on Friday.
Miss Mary Haley has charge of room 4 du ring Mr. Warren's absence.
The literary society met at the school house Saturday night at 7 o'clock and held its regular session. The following was the programme: Music; Essay, The Frozen World, by Prof. McClelland; select readings by A. 13. Wingate, C. A. Curtis, Ella Shepherd, and Frank Leslie.
Mumps are prevalent at this place.
Roads rough and almost impassible.
Money is hard and times are scarce.
Samuel Reployle departs for Nebraska this week.
Born, Feb. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hoggood, a son.
A town without church is like unto a "home without a mother."
On account of the bad weather the G. A. R. organization was postponed.
The Press under its new management is favorably received at this place.
On the sick list are W. A. Dedman, Harry Nicholson, Harry Hoggood, Mrs. Rabb.
Died, at her home near Lake City, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Patrick Burns.
An epidemic of western fever has struck us quite forcibly, we have lost thereby quite a number of our best families.
Mr. Thos. Binkley of Lintner, come to Lake City last Friday to take treatment of Dr. Capps for a disease of which he is making a specialty. Mr. Binkley is badly afflicted, and has been for years, but is now encouraged with the prospect of being cured and a well man again. Mrs. Michael Rudy is also under the Doctor's treatment.
D. Richey is prospecting in Missouri.
Wm. Neff will return from Ohio in a few days.
Mr. Lafe Merritt goes to Wolsey, Da., soon.
Wm. White lifted a $1000 mortgage last week.
Wm. White's ditching machine will arrive this week.
Miss Mollie Sampson of Decatur, is visiting Mrs. T. Harmon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lynn, of Sullivan was visiting here Saturday,
The W. L. & D. society will hold its anniversary Thursday night next.
S. Benton and family rolled out for Harper, Kan., Monday. He will make that his future home.
The W. L. & D. society [probably Women's Literary and Debating society] discussed
on Saturday night last the question: Resolved, that the manufacturing of ardent
spirits should be abolished. The next question: Resolved that predestination doctrine
is correct.
Our corn merchants are all idle.
The hens are beginning to go to work.
I. N. Gibbs was in town Thursday.
J. H. Waggoner has some fine horses.
Hugh Vaughn spent Sunday in town.
A. W. Scott was in St. Louis last week.
Smith Crowder, of Decatur was in town Thursday.
George Bushart will soon become a resident of our town.
Ed West sold a horse last week to Gibbs Bros for $170.
Sidewalks will be built to the different churches in Bethany.
The Y. M. C. A. will be opened every night in the week and Sunday afternoons.
David Ruffner died at his home last Wednesday evening. He leaves a family and a host of friends.
No corn coming in this week.
James Henneberry's little girl has been sick but is better.
Mr. Thos. Freeland is suffering from an attack of shingles.
Prof. O'Connor has been prostrated with a severe attack of remittent fever but is improving.
Hal Doner has been quite sick with pleuro-pneumonia for the past week but is now convalescent.
Mr. Hardinger has 5000 bushels of two-year old oats which he will deliver to Mr. Cole this week at 30 cents.
Two children of Patrick Griffin's have been sick during the past week. The babe died and was buried last
Wednesday; the other is recovering.
Our literary society is still flourishing. The question for debate last Friday evening was "Is the United
States a Christian Nation?" Decided in favor of the -----. [Dashes in original, and result not revealed.]
Young men of Dalton City, let the fate of the Macon teacher be a warning to you. Never correspond with
15 girls at the same time, for some of them are sure to betray you.
As the bear show was passing through town Grant Crum stood gazing at the procession in breathless
admiration for some time end then remarked, "Well, I'll get a buffalo-robe and a coon-skin cap and
put them on Cal Riber and start a bear show of my own.
Among the attractions of our town this week was a traveling managerie consisting of a bear and two
Russians it drew a large crowd on the streets. As to drawing qualities we can think of nothing, not
even an itinerant medicine man or temperance lecturer that will compare with a bear show.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing between B. Tulpin and Chas. F. Armstrong under the firm name of
Tulpin & Armstrong, at Lovington, Ill., has this day dissolved; Chas. F. Armstrong continues the
business; collects all the indebtedness and assumes all the liabilities. B. Tulpin.
Feb. 5th, 1884. Chas. F. Armstrong.
Charley Foster, who has been in Decatur for the past six months, returned home for a visit last Monday.
If you have a good watch that is out of order send it to H. J. Pike at Sullivan. Having had twenty years
experience in the manufacturing and repairing of fine watches, and am confident of giving satisfaction.
I have lately supplied myself with new tools and machinery. I am prepared to do all kinds of intricate
watch work without sending it away, insuring promptness and accurate work.
1y Opera Block. Sullivan, Illinois
Miss Sina Cochran returned from her Decatur visit Monday.

-- Attendance at the M. E. Sunday school 112; collection 84 cents.
-- The Lovington Shoe Store has Ladies Flannel Lined Shoes. 25-tf.
-- Mrs. Jno. Trowbridge returned home from Decatur, Saturday.
-- Preaching at the Christian church Sabbath morning by H. M. Minor.
-- A child that wakes with croup should have a dose of Piso's cure.
-- Choice Timothy and Clover seed for sale by C. W. Brown. 36-1m
-- We are sorry to learn that Miss Carrie Gibeson is growing worse.
-- There are to be several new bricks [i.e. brick business buildings] put up
in Sullivan the coming summer.
-- If you want a boot to turn water go to the Lovington Shoe Store. 25-tf.
-- A freight train was wrecked on the Wabash road near Forest, last Thursday.
-- There were quite a number of folks from Williamsburg in town last Saturday. 1-t
-- Attendance at the Christian Sunday School last Sunday, was 65; collection, 50 cents.
-- J. W. Tyler has the best line of heavy blankets, lap-robes, &c., in Decatur. 6-6m.
-- Miss Florence Baker one of our fair young ladies, made a short visit to Arthur last week.
-- If you want the best calf Shoe for Ladies and Children go to the Lovington Shoe Store. 25-tf.
-- Remember the sale at the late residence of Elijah Dennis tomorrow. Some seed corn for sale.
-- Mr. Wm. Weekly, who has been visiting friends in McLean county for some time returned home Friday.
-- Rev. S. Middleton preached at the M. E. church last Sunday morning and Rev. W. G. Cochran filled
the pulpit at night.
-- Mrs. Burns, wife of Patrick Burns living near Lake City, died last Friday night. She was buried
near the Catholic church.
-- There will be a special communication of Lovington Lodge No. 228 A. F. & A. M. [Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons] next Saturday night. Work in 1st degree.
-- J. W. Fisher, is the best place to buy Groceries, Quensware and Shelebarger flour. North side
railroad Arthur, Illinois. 31-3m.
-- Elder Gregg will preach at the Christian church Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night, next.
All are cordially invited to attend.
-- Mr. Wilson, of the firm of Boyd & Wilson, and Mr. Shoemaker, of Toledo, Ohio, were in town,
Saturday, looking up the interests of the grain business.
-- It will cost you nothing to examine the new fall stock of carpets and wallpaper at Abel &
Locke's, Decatur, Ill. Elegant patterns, rich coloring, and cheap. 21-tf
-- The protracted meeting at Illiopolis conducted by Eld. Black closed last week. There were 115
accessions to the church. He went from there to Eureka to hold a meeting.
-- Albert Wyman has bought Charles Roane's lot on the corner in Sullivan, and will begin the
erection of a two-story brick in a few days. Mr. Roane will move the frame building to a vacant
lot in the east part of town.
[The new building was the one from which Mr. Wyman would make his fortune,
a fortune that eventually provided Sullivan with a park. The building still stands today at the
southwest corner of the square, and is currently occupied by China King restaurant.]
-- Frank Trowbridge, who has for some time been an assistant in the depot office of the Pacific
Express Company has been promoted, and now has charge of the office during the day. He was deserving
of promotion and is an efficient employe. -- [Decatur Review.
-- Let no one suppose that by acting a good part through life he will escape scandal. There will
be those even who will hate him for the very qualities that ought to procure esteem. There are
folks in the world who are not willing that others should be better than themselves. -- [Ex.
--Look here, do you want it bargain. We will give 20 ,per cent. discount on all winter Goods -- Flannels,
Woolen Hosiery, Cloaks, Dolmans, Boots and Shoes, Overcoats and heavy winter suits for the next 60 days.
This is no advertising dodge, but business and is done to reduce our stock for spring, so come along
and let us divide up with you. F. & J. Landers. 36-2w.
-- When Mr. Baker was nominated some wiseakers of his party thought, or pretended to think, that he
was too young a man for the position; that some older person should have been chosen to represent the
district. Mr. Baker has proven, by the vim and untiring energy of his labors during the late session
of the legislature, that it is not always the aged that make the greatest success in life and it is
possible for a young man to fill the office to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. He will,
in all probability, be renominated as a candidate for representative without opposition. -- [Windsor Gazette.
-- J. R. Eden was in town last Monday.
-- Go to the Lovington Shoe Store and get a lambs wool, lined boot and keep your feet warm and dry. 25-tf.
-- Miss Maud Ferguson gave a birth day party last Saturday which made her associates glad. Miss Maud
is ten years old.
-- Benj. R. Cole, northwest of Lovington, will sell at public sale on Saturday February 23d, 1884, all
his personal effects.
-- A copy of the Piatt School Journal is before us. It is a neat little Journal and we hope it will be
liberally patronized by the teachers and patrons of the Piatt county schools.
-- E. F. Warren and his brother, Nelson, went home last week to see a brother who was very sick. Their
brother is reported better. Miss Mary Haley will teach in Mr. Warren's room during his absence.
-- In last weeks issue, by mistake the name of R. M. Peadro was signed to the article "Notice to Schools,"
instead of the name of B. F. Peadro. We don't know how the mistake came about; perhaps we were thinking
about the candidates.
-- Mr. Henry Ward Beecher complains because a theatrical manager tried to make the public believe that
the preacher was in a box at a recent performance by Mrs. Langtry. A man who allows his name to appear
attached to the recommendation of a patent soap should complain of nothing.
-- No other medicine is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for colds, coughs, and all derangements
of the respiratory organs tending toward consumption. In all ordinary cases it is a certain cure, and
it affords sure relief for the asthmatic and consumptive, even in advanced stages of disease.
-- Frank Rittenhouse writes from Missouri Valley, Iowa, a town of 1500 inhabitants on the C. & N. W.
railroad, 467 [miles] west of Chicago. He has a situation and is getting $50 per month; says he likes the place
splendid and all he wants to make his happiness complete is the PRESS, which will be sent him regularly.
-- A sad accident occurred in Bement last Thursday night. Mrs. Hardy Owen fastened her two small
children up in a room and went down town to get some beef for supper. While she was gone the children
pulled off some of the wall paper and put it in the fire to see it burn. The youngest, a mere baby,
got too close to the blaze and its clothes caught on fire. Two men passing at the time, hearing the
cries of the children, ran in and rescued it from the flames but not until after it had been fatally
burned. It died a few hours after in great pain. It seems that this woman had been in the habit of
locking up her children in that way and leaving them for hours at a time. She has been known to lock
them up and then go to a dance and be gone until twelve or one o'clock at night. It seems to us that
such cases should be looked after by the officers of the law and parties severely punished for such
criminal carelessness.
-- Frank Collier, from near Sullivan, passed through here enroute to Washington Territory where he
expects to make his home.
-- Mr. K. P. Taylor, the Sunday School evangelist of the Christian church in Illinois, passed through
Sullivan last Thursday enroute for Newton, Jasper county, to hold an institute. At his last institute,
which lasted two weeks, there were fifteen additions to the church. He expects to organize a church
and a Sunday School at Newton.
-- The meeting at Bement conducted by Eld. J. Jones, of that place, closed last Wednesday night. A
good meeting is reported. There was twenty-three additions to the church. Eld. Jones is an earnest,
energetic, and industrious young man and is highly esteemed by the people of that place. He now enters
upon his second year's work at that place.
Wonderful Bed Quilts.
A Georgia woman has just finished a silk quilt containing 2,400 pieces, and over 1,000 yards of thread.
Miss Allie Martin, of Lesley's Mills, made a quilt containing 4,863 pieces. and the local editor
challenged the state to beat it. Miss Allie Ghoram, of Paris, came to the front with a composite
bed covering constructed out of 7,048 individual bits of calico, and she is now the champion. -- (Ex.
Moultrie county is still ahead -- Mrs. Culver has just completed and presented to her daughter, Mrs.
Frank J. Blain, a quilt containing 9,608 bits of calico. Although Mrs. Culver lives in Decatur, the
quilt was made in Lake City which gives Moultrie county the championship of the United States. Bring
in your quilts and let us see who takes the cake.
Owing to the fact of being a little short of room, we have decided to close out our stock of Men's,
Boys' and Youths' ready-made clothing. Now if you need anything in that line call and see us and we
will sell you at cost until stock is closed out. We have all sizes and good stock to select from. We
open our Spring Stock of Dry Goods in March, and will have a much larger line than ever before and
hope to have a share of your patronage.
Tulpin & Armstrong,
Lovington, Ill.