

GenWeb Links

        IL GenWeb clickable map of all Illinois county GenWeb sites

        IL GenWeb Archives

        IL GenWeb Tombstone Project

        US GenWeb clickable map of all state GenWeb sites

        US GenWeb Archives

        World GenWeb site


Moultrie Links

        RootsWeb Moultrie County genealogy forum - Ask and answer questions

        Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society

         Newsprogress Newspaper - a list of the week's obituaries is at the bottom of the page. (The full text of obituaries is available only to subscribers.)

         The History of Moultrie County and Sullivan Illinois - Amazing historical resources unavailable elsewhere, by Eden Martin

        Bethany, IL website

        Moultrie information from the Illinois State Archives

        The Noel C. Dicks collection of photographs of Arthur. (Because Arthur is on the line between Moultrie and Douglas Counties, only some of these will be of Moultrie.)


Illinois links

      Illinois State Archives - They have several searchable databases, and adding more all the time.

      Illinois Vital Records


National links

      Social Security Death Index

      High School Alumni

      High School Alumni Site - Add your name or check for old classmates.

      Official City, County, and Country Sites

      US Resources: Illinois - Roots Web

      Who Where - Check for your living relatives


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Several have asked the purpose of these mail lists. They are just another tool in the aid of genealogy research. We currently have about 50 subscribed to this list. Generally we start out by introducing ourselves, and listing the surnames that you are researching. Also giving any information on where you might have a missing piece of your family puzzle. Most on this list have been very helpful to others.

