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Surname Researchers List A - M |
This page is maintained so that you can list the Moultrie County surnames you are researching, and that others who have information on those surnames have the opportunity to contact you. Or you may find someone listed you want to contact. Just click on their names to get an e-mail form already addressed to them.
Please be sure your surnames that you submit have a Moultrie Co
connection. Also include your name, and the time frame in which
your surname is connected to Moultrie County.
ABBOTT | JESPALEUM1@aol.com | 1838-present |
ADAMS | Emily I. Matthews | 1846-1950's |
ADAMS | Dan Raby | 1900's |
ADKINS | Rodney A. Livings | 1850-1920 |
ADKISON | Bill Stone | 1868-1874 |
ALEXANDER | Gene Hudson | |
ALLEN | Ginny Ayers Spann | 1890's |
APPERSON | John E. Bartos | |
ARMANTROUT | Gene Hudson | |
ASHWORTH | Herbert Ray Ashworth | 1800's-Present |
ASHWORTH | Patricia | |
ATTEBERRY | David Martin | 1825 & Up |
ATTEBERRY | Sue Bergandine | |
ATTEBERRY | Phyllis Rhodes | 1875 |
AUXIER | Judith Tickel Need (jtneed@erols.com) | NOTE: This email address is no longer valid.I you know of a current one, please notify the web master. |
AUXIER | Marilynn Kaye Weems |
BAILEY | Rodney A. Livings | 1850-1920 |
BAILEY | Alicia A. Morgason | |
BAKER | Robert Etter | 1873-1912 |
BALDWIN | Sharlene Miller | |
BANKS | Gene Hudson | |
BANKSON | Daryl E. Brock | 1820 - 1920 |
BANKSON | Shaunee Power | |
BANKSON | Gene Hudson | |
BARBER | Glen Barber | 1800-1920 |
BARBER | Becky Schultz | 1800-1850 |
BATEMAN | Gene Hudson | |
BATHE | CraftxMom@aol.com | 1847 -1921 |
BATSON | Patricia Porter | 1860 - Present |
BAUGHER | Laura Westrick | 1860'S |
BAUGHER | Michael E. Wright (cyclops@futureone.com) | NOTE: This email address is no longer valid.I you know of a current one, please notify the web master. |
BENCE | Charles E. Evans | 1856 |
BENTLEY | Bill Bentley | 1855-1865 |
BERRY | Teri Sharp | |
BIGALOW | Gene Hudson | |
BINCKLEY | Coleen Florke | |
BLACK | Gene Hudson | |
BLACK | Seth W. Phillips | 1905 & Up |
BLACKARD | Mary Ellen Fryer | |
BLOIR / BLORE | James W. Burcham | |
BOBBIT/BOBBITT | Bill Dick | |
BOGGS | Paul in Ca. | |
BOLIN | Judith Tickel Need (jtneed@erols.com) | NOTE: This email address is no longer valid.I you know of a current one, please notify the web master. |
BOLIN | Twilla McKee | |
BOLIN | SusanO | |
BONE | Teri Sharp | |
BONE | Shaunee Power | |
BONE | Janet Smith Barker | 1836-1900 |
BONE | Gene Hudson | |
BONHAM | Twilla McKee | |
BONHAM | Emily I. Matthews | 1830 & Up |
BONHAM/BONNAHAM | Grace Case | 1818-Present |
BONHAM | LARRY N. HUGHES | 1861 & Up |
BOOKER | Dick Cazier | 1850-1920 |
BOWEN/BONE | David Smith | 1836 & Up |
BOWLIN | Tony Giglotto | 1866 - 1900 |
BOZELL | Dr. Ken Lowder | 1850-Present |
BRACKNEY | Pati Applewhite | |
BRAGG | John Shetterly | 1830-Present |
BRAGG | Janet Smith Barker | 1836-1900 |
BRAGG | Gene Hudson | |
BRIDWELL | Glen Barber | 1820-1920 |
BRIGHT | David L Bright Sr | |
BRINTZ/PRINTZ | Darth Miller | 1820 - 1900 |
BROOKE | h Brooke (bboy@inreach.com) | NOTE: This email address is no longer valid.I you know of a current one, please notify the web master. |
BROWN | Sue Honeycutt | 1840 & Up |
BRYSON | Alicia A. Morgason | |
BRYSON | Jerry Tarvin | |
BULLARD | John Donaker | |
BURCHAM | James W. Burcham | |
BURRIS/BURROWS | Curtis D. Burress | 1734 - Present |
BUTLER | Ruth Butler Reace | |
BUTT/BUTTS | Tom Butt | |
BUTTS | Douglas Noble | |
BYROM | Ginny Ayers Spann | 1890's |
BYRUM | CraftxMom@aol.com | 1851-&anp; Up |
CADE | Beverly Smith | 1848 & Up |
CAIN | Terri Barnett | |
CALL | Russell ZEARS | |
CAMERON | James W. Burcham | |
CAMFIELD | Gerald Reedy | |
CAMPBELL | Laura Graf | 1830 - Present |
CARLYLE | Alicia A. Morgason | |
CARNEY | JYDYTEACH@aol.com | 1830-1880 |
CARRAKER | Gene Hudson | |
CARTER | Mary R. Scott | |
CASTEEL | Dwight Casteel | |
CATE | Ken Woodall | 1833-1850+ |
CAZIER | Dick Cazier | 1835-1930 |
CHANEY | Dick Cazier | 1880-Present |
CHAPLAIN / CHAPLIN | MQuast1104@aol.com | 1830-1848 |
CHILDERS | Cherie D. Craig | 1911-Present |
CHRISTY | Rosie Christy | 1800's & Up |
CLARK | Coleen Florke | |
CLAXON | Alicia A. Woolridge | |
CLEMENT | David Martin | Bef 1840 |
COLE | Dick Cazier | 1850-1920 |
COLLINS | Ardath Buckaway | 1851-present |
COMSTOCK | JESPALEUM1@aol.com | 1860-1900 |
COOK | Sue McBride | I have the two volume set of Thomas Cooke of Rhode Island (ancestor of John Cook Sr. one of the early settlers in Marrowbone Township) by Fiske and will do look-ups. I also have a few headstone photos and occasionally do volunteer photos for Moultrie cemeteries for www.findagrave.com. I am willing to share what I have. Other photos and genealogical info that I have pertaining to Moultrie Co. are the Cook, Mayfield, McBride families. |
COOLEY | Marilyn Johnson | 1840-1880 |
COTNER | Steve Mathias | |
COX | Gene Hudson | |
CRAIG | Jean Haman | 1800 - present |
CRAWFORD | SPegler919@aol.com | 1870 & Up |
CREECH | Aice Creech | |
CROUCH | Alicia A. Morgason | |
CROUCH | Don Marsh | |
CROWDER | Patricia | |
CROWDER | Gene Hudson | |
CRUM | E. Murphy | 1850-Present |
CULLINAN | MWelch2193@aol.com | 1890 & Up |
CUMMINS | Mary Andre | 1889 & Up |
DAHM | Mary Andre | 1889 & Up |
DALTON | Joyce Griffin | 1800's |
DANCE | Ruth Dance-Whitney | |
DANIELS | Brenda (Daniels) Thomas | 1900's |
DARST | Rhonda R. McClure | |
DAUGHERTY | Jennifer Wathen | 1800 & Up |
DAVES | Laura Greene | 1800's |
DAVID | Rich Gotshall | 1803-1940 |
DAVIDSON | Tari Parr | |
DAVIS | Jack D. Mattox | 1844-1870 |
DAWSON | Bob Degen | 1840 & Up |
DEEDS / DIETZ | FmlyTreenut@aol.com | 1830 & Up |
DeHART | Bill Dick | |
DEHAVEN | Leslye Werner | 1800 - 1860 |
DELENA | Maria Skinner | |
DEWESSE | David Martin | Bef 1850 |
DICKSON | Susan Heyer | |
DIXON | George W. Dixon | |
DODSON | Gene Hudson | |
DONAKER | John Donaker | 1900's |
DONOVAN | Sharon Leezer | 1880-Present |
DOUGLAS | Heather | |
DOWELL | Gene Hudson | |
DREW | Twilla McKee | |
DREW | Susan O | |
DUBLER | Terri Barnett | |
DUKE / DUKES | Don Marsh | |
DULIN | Patricia | |
DUNCAN | Dr. Ken Lowder | 1850-Present |
EARP | Sharon Wick | . |
EDWARDS | Shirley | |
EKISS | Heather Ekiss | 1859-Present |
ELDER | Alice Elder-Miller | 1835-present |
ELDER | M. Nash | 1830 - Present |
ELZY | Alicia A. Morgason | |
ESCHBAUGH | Medior@aol.com | |
EVERETT | JorJan Borlin | 1800 - 1885 |
EWING | M & L Surrells | 1850-1870 |
FANCHER | Gene Hudson | . |
FEIST | James W. Burcham | |
FERGUSON | Patricia Porter | 1860 - Present |
FINLEY | Jimmy Lee | 1850's & Up |
FITZWATER | Kathy Conard | |
FLEENER | James Couture | 1834-1902 |
FLORENCE | William W. Chadsey | |
FLOREY | Janet Smith Barker | 1836-1900 |
FLOREY | Gene Hudson | |
FLOREY | Pat Hageman | 1754 - Present |
FOGLER | Steve Wilson | |
FORD | Harold Gosnell | |
FORT/FORTE | Judy Forte Brown | 1808-present |
FOSTER | Dorothy | |
FOSTER | Pat Hageman | 1850 - Present |
FOSTER | Coleen Florke | |
FREAD | LeRoy Eaton | 1850-1875 |
FREELAND | Gene Hudson | |
FREEMAN | Jean Feaster | |
FRENCH | Tari Parr | |
FRENCH | Jeanette S. French | |
FRENCH | Gene Hudson | |
FULFER | Emily I. Matthews | 1800's-1900's |
FULKS | O.L. Fulk | circa 1878 |
FULTON | Twilla McKee | |
FULTON | Richard P. Fulton | 1900's |
FULTON | SusanO | |
FULTZ | Ardath Buckaway | pre 1850-1890 |
FULTZ | Gerald Reedy | 1800 & Up |
FUQUA | Kay | |
FURNESS | LaRae Rahm |
GADDIS | Carolyn S. Rector | 1872 & Up |
GADDIS | Dick Cazier | 1840-1920 |
GALL | Dorothy Hinkey | 1886 & Up |
GERKIN | John Gross | 1840-1890 |
GOUGH | Dick Cazier | 1835-Present |
GOUGH | Carolyn Fortin | |
GOULD | James Gould | |
GRADY | James Gould | |
GRAHAM | Joseph R. Williams | |
GREEN | Gene Hudson | |
GREENWELL | Tari Parr | |
GREENWOOD | Linda Edwards | 1860-1920 |
GREER | Nancy Horton | 1800's |
GRINDLE / GRINNELL | Sharon Wick | . |
GUNN | Mary A. Sutphin | 1800's & Up |
HAGERMAN | Dorothy Hinkey | 1886 & Up |
HAGERMAN | Twilla McKee | |
HAGERMAN | Grace Case | 1818-Present |
HALE | James W. Burcham | |
HALL | Jerry Tarvin | |
HAM/HAMM | Gary, Alice Hamm | 1800-Present |
HAMBLIN | Greg Hamblin | 1865 to present |
HAMILTON | Paul Ward | 1880'S |
HAMMOND | James W. Burcham | |
HAMPTON | Aice Creech | |
HAMPTON | Gene Hudson | |
HANCOCK | Gene Hudson | |
HANEY | Shaunee Power | |
HANSON / HANSEN | Paul Ward | 1880'S |
HARBAUGH | Janet Wolf | 1828 TO 1880 |
HARMISON | Mike Sutton | |
HARRELL | David L Bright Sr | |
HARRIS | Ruth Ann Harris | 1899 & Up |
HARRISON | FrancesAr@hotmail.com | 1850-1870 |
HASTING | Gene Hudson | |
HELTON | MQuast1104@aol.com | 1830 & Up |
HENDERSON | Alicia A. Woolridge | |
HENDRAIN | Judy DeWerth | 1881-1900 |
HENDRICKS | S Beck | 1833 to 1920 |
HENDRICKS | Jody Roberts | 1830 & Up |
HENNEBERRY | 354.com | 1850 & Up |
HENRY | Liz (Henry) Batchelor | 1870-1930 |
HENSLEY | Tari Parr | |
HERENDEEN | Douglas Noble | |
HERMAN | Audrey R. Herman | 1830-1930 |
HIBBEN | Gary Hibben | 1852 - 1858 |
HILL | Gene Hudson | |
HIZEN | Gene Hudson | |
HOGGATT | Mary Ellen Fryer | |
HOKE | Gene Hudson | |
HOOTEN | Kathy Conard | |
HOPKINS | Sandy Morris Phelps | 1830 & Up |
HOSTETTER | Rosemary Tiwari | |
HOUT | Russell ZEARS | |
HOUT | David Bright | |
HOWELL | Janet Smith Barker | 1836-1900 |
HOWELL | Doris | 1837 & Up |
HOUPT | Phyllis | |
HUDSON | Dick Cazier | 1835-1935 |
HUDSON | E. Murphy | 1850-Present |
HUDSON | Janet Milam | 1870'S |
HUFFMAN | Gene Hudson | |
HULL | Terri Barnett | |
HULL | Teri Sharp | |
HULL | E. Murphy | 1850-Present |
HUNSICKER | James W. Burcham |
I | . | . |
JEFFRIS | Carolyn Fortin | . |
JOHNSON | Mary Andre | 1889 & Up |
JONES | Robertson Beck | 1800 - 1900 |
JONES | Pati Applewhite | |
JONES | Joyce Craig | 1850-1923 |
JONES | Patricia Porter | 1860 - Present |
JORDAN | Dr. Ken Lowder | 1850-Present |
KELLAR | Sharon Kenny | . |
KELLAR | Gene Hudson | |
KELLER | John and Marjorie Weeks | 1830 - Present |
KENNEDY | Gene Hudson | |
KEWIN | 1850-present | |
KESSLER | James W. Burcham | |
KIDWELL | Tari Parr | |
KINZEL | Robert Kinzel | |
KIRKENDALL | Charles Hess | 1840 & Up |
KIRKWOOD | Ardath Buckaway | |
KOSHINSKI | Judy DeWerth | 1895-1900 |
KRATZ | Carolyn Fortin |
LAKINS | jesse | 1860 - 1900 |
LAMB | Coleen Florke | |
LANE / LAYNE | Janette King Reynolds | 1874 - Present |
LANE | Emily I. Matthews | 1846-1950's |
LANGFORD | Glen Barber | 1810-1910 |
LANSDEN | Teri Sharp | |
LANSDEN | Gene Hudson | |
LAYTON | Betsy Russell | 1800-1900 |
LEE | M & L Surrells | 1850-1870 |
LEE | Pat Roy | 1840 & up |
LEE | CraftxMom@aol.com | 1847-1922 |
LEE | Gene Hudson | |
LEE | Sharon Leezer | 1840-Present |
LZE | Alicia A. Morgason | |
LEMMONS | Glen Barber | 1830-1910 |
LETT | Gene Hudson | |
LEWIS | Pat Roy | 1880 & up |
LIGHT | Rich Gotshall | 1840-1900 |
LIGHT | Betty Light Sanner | |
LIVESEY | Gene Hudson | |
LORD | Gene Hudson | |
LORENSEN | lorenson@cfu.net | 1859-present |
LORENSEN | Zach | |
LOVE | Sharon Wick | |
LOWDER | Dr. Ken Lowder | 1850-Present |
LOWER | Neilia Dudley | 1850-Present |
LUTTRELL | Terry I Hill | |
LYNCH | Gene Hudson | |
LYONS | Steve Wilson |
MACKEY | Jim Mackey | 1800-1900 |
MAHAN | Tari Parr | |
MALLERNEE | Dallas O. Mallernee | |
MARLOW | Elsi Arcuri | 1866-present |
MARTIN | click here | abt 1875 |
MARTIN | Pam Wilson | 1858-1900 |
MARTIN | Donna Hull | |
MARTIN | David Martin | 1825 & Up |
MARTIN | Joseph R. Williams | |
MARTIN | Jan Lowe | |
MARTIN | Phyllis Rhodes | 1850's |
MASTIN | Michael Mastin | |
MATHEWS/MATTHEWS | Gene Hudson | |
MATTOX | Jack D. Mattox | 1769-Present |
MAYFIELD; McBRIDE | Sue McBride | I have the two volume set of Thomas Cooke of Rhode Island (acestor of John Cook Sr. one of the early settlers in Marrowbone Township) by Fiske and will do look-ups. I also have a few headstone photos and occasionally do volunteer photos for Moultrie cemeteries for www.findagrave.com. I am willing to share what I have. Other photos and genealogical info that I have pertaining to Moultrie Co. are the Cook, Mayfield, McBride families. |
MCCABE | Linda Edwards | 1860-1920 |
MCCUME | Gene Hudson | |
McGULLION | Sue Bergandine | |
McLEAN/McCLAIN | Don Marsh | |
MERITT | Ellen Scheffler | 1870's & Up |
MERTZ | Janet Etheredge | 1865 - 1891 |
MILLER | Pat Roy | 1850 & up |
MILLER | Darth Miller | 1820 - 1900 |
MILLION | Dennis | 1850-1940 |
MILLION | Dave Heitz | 1850-1940 |
MINER | Janet Smith Barker | 1836-1900 |
MINOR | Kay | |
MITCHELL | Janet Smith Barker | 1836-1900 |
MITCHELL | Gene Hudson | |
MONEY | David Bright | |
MONROE | Ardath Buckaway | |
MONROE | Zach | |
MONROE | Rhonda R. McClure | |
MONROE | Greg Hamblin | 1830 to present |
MOODY | Dick Cazier | 1850-1930 |
MOORE | Patricia | |
MORENZ | Judy DeWerth | 1881-1900 |
MORRIS | George and Sharon Stovall | 1859-? |
MORRIS | Gene Hudson | |
MORROW | Coleen Florke | |
MORROW | Gerald Reedy | |
MOSS | Sherry Moss Hardin | 1865 & up |
MOULTRIE | Beverley J. Moultrie | |
MULHOLLAND | Gene Hudson | |
MULVANY(EY) | Leann Lehmann | 1900-1910 |
MURPHY | Dallas O. Mallernee | |
MURPHY | JorJan Borlin | 1850 - 1884 |
N - Z |