Cover: Portrait and Biographical Record of Shelby and Moultrie Counties
1891 Portrait and Biographical Record:
J.B. Titus


J.B. TITUS. We are pleased to present to our readers a biographical sketch of one of the prosperous citizens, thoroughly educated gentlemen and old settlers of Sullivan, Moultrie County. He is one of the best known characters in this part of the county, and after having been an active and successful attorney, is now leading a retired life and looking after his real estate interests in the place. He has been a resident of the place since 1856, and one of its attorneys since 1862. The well known attorney, Hon. John R. Eden, and Judge Meeker, have been his partners. Some of the most valuable buildings in Sullivan have been put up by Mr. Titus, notably the Opera House Block, which he owns, and he has in the county some twelve hundred acres of land, most of it being in Sullivan Township, and all of it being finely improved. He is one of the large property owners of the county, and the improvements upon his land have been mostly placed there by himself. He was County Clerk from 1865 to 1869, and while Supervisor of Sullivan Township, was Chairman of the Board. He has always been a live Democrat, and is frequently a delegate to State conventions. Our subject was born in Brookville, Franklin County, Ind., and received his education in Miami College, being graduated in the Class of '58, and receiving the two degrees of Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts. While in that institution, one of his instructors was Prlf. David Swing, who is now so notable as a preacher in Chicago. After leaving Miami he entered the Law School at Cincinnati, and was graduated at the Cincinnati Law College in the Class of '60. He then spent two years in a law office in Cincinnati before coming to this place and also spent some time in teaching. He is a notable linguist, being the master of five different languages, and stands high among scholarly men. Mr. Titus has two children--a son, William R., who is a practical farmer in Sullivan Township, and a daughter Winnie, who is still at home with her father attending school and studying music, in which latter branch she is quite skillful. As a public-spirited man, a broad thinker and a progressive citizen, Mr. Titus is a prominent figure in Sullivan.

Portrait and Biographical Record of Shelby and Moultrie Counties, 1891 - p. 313

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