1875 Moultrie County Plat: H


Name Acreage Location and comments
H. 16 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 26
H., A. 10 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 16
H., A. 5 acres Marrowbone: 13N, 4E, Section 11
H., B.W. 30 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 33
H., C. 10 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 10
H., C. 13 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 10
H., C.A. 20 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 3
H., D. & H., W
Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 11
H., D. 10 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 2
H., E. 20 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 30
H., E. 5 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 5
H., F. 4 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 22
H., J.
Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 1
H., J.
Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 28
H., J.
Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 22
H., J. 10 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 18
H., J. 12.5 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 17
H., J. 20 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 32
H., J. 3 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 3
H., J. 5 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 16
H., J. 5 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 25
H., J.L. 11 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 22
H., M. 9.5 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 31
H., N. 10 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 3
H., N. 19 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 33
H., N. 2 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 10
H., O. 10 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 13
H., O. 10 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 16
H., O. 10 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 26
H., R. 6 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 1
H., S. 10 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 17
H., S. 5 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 8
H., S. 5 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 16
H., T. 10 acres Marrowbone: 13N, 4E, Section 10
H., W. Jr. 26.66 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 17
H., W. Sr. 12.5 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 17
H., W. 10 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 33
H., W. 10 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 36
H., W.J. 10 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 35
Hackenbottom, W. estate 20 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 34
Hadwin, J. 20 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 31
Hagerman Cemetery
Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 30
Hagerman, A. 20 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 33
Hagerman, E. (Elizabeth) 40 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 31
Hagerman, E. (Elizabeth) 80 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 30
Hagerman, F. 40 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 9
Hagerman, F. 80 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 8
Hagerman, J. (James) 80 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 9
Hagerman, P. (Peter) 20 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 33
Hagerman, P. (Peter) 30 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 29
Hagerman, P. (Peter) 80 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 29
Hale & Sturgess 40 acres Dora: 14N, 4E, Section 5
Hale, E.B. 121.60 acres Lovington: 15N, 4E, Section 5
Hale, E.B. 124.46 acres Lovington: 15N, 4E, Section 4
Hale, E.B. 160 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 13
Hale, E.B. 320 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 35
Hale, E.B. 40 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 25
Hale, E.B. 40 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 12
Hale, E.B. 751.90 acres Lovington: 15N, 4E, Section 1
Hale, E.B. 80 acres Dora: 14N, 4E, Section 5
Hale, E.B. 80 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 30
Hall, J. 20 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 25
Hall, R.J. 20 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 36
Ham, B.W. (Bushrod W.) 68.5 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 26
Hamblin, N. (Norman) 40 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 11
Hamilton heirs 152.26 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 3
Hampton-Sheils Cemetery
Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 32
Hampton-Yarnell Cemetery
Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 12
Hampton, J. 14 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 31
Hampton, J. 16.5 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 31
Hampton, J. 206 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 32
Hampton, J. 38 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 30
Hampton, J. 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 32
Hampton, J. 58 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 30
Hampton, J. 8 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 29
Hampton, J. 80 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 29
Hampton, T. 13 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 12
Hampton, T. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 7
Hancock, W. (William) 90 acres (Incorrectly shown as 85) Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 13as 85)
Haney, A. 120 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 13
Haney, A. 80 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 23
Haney, C. 120 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 12
Haney, E. 80 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 24
Haney, J. 144 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 22
Haney, J. 40 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 23
Haney, J.B. 80 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 24
Haney, P. 160 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 14
Haney, P. 40 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 22
Harbaugh, D. (David) 160 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 11
Harbaugh, D. (David) 30 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 25
Harbur, W.R. 120 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 4
Hardwin, M. 50 acres Marrowbone: 13N, 4E, Section 7
Harley, I. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 28
Harmount S. estate 22 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 27
Harper, N.V. 80 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 3
Harriett, M.A. 14 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 7
Harris, J. 25 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 8
Harris, J.T. estate 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 26
Harris, J.T. 120 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 16
Harris, J.T. 160 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 16
Harris, J.T. 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 15
Harris, J.T. 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 17
Harris, J.T. 50 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 9
Harris, M. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 32
Harris, M.E. 80 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 15
Harris, S.M. 80 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 16
Harris, T.F. 160 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 27
Harris, W. 35 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 8
Harris, W.S. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 10
Harris, W.S. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 2
Harris, W.S. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 9
Harris, W.S. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 9
Harris, W.S. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 9
Harrison, D. estate 30 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 4
Harrison, J.T. 87 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 27
Harrison, W. 160 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 9
Harrison, W. 80 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 8
Harrison, W. 80 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 17
Harsh, J. (Jackson) 249.5 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 5
Harsh, J. (Jackson) 30 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 1
Harsh, J. (Jackson) 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 1
Harst, J. (Jackson) 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 26
Hastings, P. 20 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 5
Hastings, P. 20 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 8
Haulman, J.H. 20 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 19
Haulman, J.H. 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 18
Hawkins, E. 40 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 36
Hawkins, G.R. (Gregory R.) 100 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 25
Hawkins, J. 40 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 36
Hawkins, R. 80 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 20
Hawthorn 100 acres Lovington: 15N, 4E, Section 6
Hays, J. 40 acres Dora: 14N, 4E, Section 6
Heacock, J.L. 120 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 24
Heacock, N.L. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 24
Heltsley, J. 80 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 28
Heltsley, J. 80 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 33
Hendricks, A.D. 47.66 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 31
Hendricks, B.D. 45.1 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 6
Hendricks, E. 220 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 3
Hendricks, E. 40 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 34
Hennebery, F. 80 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 27
Henneigh (Probably Thomas) 40 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 25
Henry & Greene 60 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 11
Henry, W. 20 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 2
Hershberger, C. 200 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 27
Hetherington, G. (George) 236 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 2
Hewett Cemetery
Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 16
Hibben, G. 40 acres Whitley: 12N, 5E, Section 13
Hibben, G. 80 acres Whitley: 12N, 5E, Section 13
Hibbins, M.E. 80 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 31
Hickey, J. (John) 40 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 27
Hickey, J. (John) 40 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 27
Hickey, T. 40 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 27
High School
Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 2
Highland, H. 79.46 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 1
Hilbush 10 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 4
Hilgenberg, H. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 10
Hilgenberg, H. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 2
Hilgenberg, T. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 2
Hilgenberg, W. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 10
Hill & Groves 20 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 36
Hill, P.M. 80 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 29
Hillagos, W. 40 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 6
Hillagoss, G.W. 73 acres Whitley: 12N, 5E, Section 13
Hillagoss, H. 40 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 17
Hiller, T.J. 48.45 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 6
Hilliard, J.W. 32.66 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 6
Hilliard, W.B. (William B.) 32.66 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 6
Hilsabeck, W.F. 40 acres Whitley: 12N, 5E, Section 11
Hilton, P.R. 40 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 9
Hines, G. 40 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 26
Hinsel, S. 20 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 18
Hinton, J. 160 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 23
Hinton, J. 20 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 21
Hinton, J. 280 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 26
Hinton, T. 20 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 24
Hinton, T. 20 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 24
Hinton, T. 80 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 25
Hinton, W. 40 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 22
Hoddy, R.V. 120 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 4
Hodge, W. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 14
Hodgson, J. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 16
Hoffman, H. 233.04 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 1
Hoggatt, G.W. 20 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 1
Hoggatt, G.W. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 6
Hoggatt, G.W. 80 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 1
Hoggatt, G.W. 80 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 6
Hoggatt, W. (William) 120 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 15
Hoggatt, W. (William) 200 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 22
Hoggatt, W. (William) 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 15
Hoggatt, W. (William) 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 16
Hoggatt, W. (William) 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 23
Hoggatt, W. (William) 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 23
Hoggatt, W. (William) 80 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 14
Hoggatt, W. (William) 80 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 15
Hoke estate, F. 22 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 19
Hoke, A. (Amanda) 20 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 14
Hoke, J. 60 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 13
Hoke, J.F. (John F.) 40 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 18
Hoke, S. estate 160 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 14
Hoke, S. estate 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 11
Hoke, S. estate 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 22
Holston, J. 80 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 28
Holton, W.C. 160 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 2
Hook, J. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 9
Hook, S. 98 acres Dora: 15N, 4E, Section 1
Hooker, T.J. 44.5 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 33
Horn, I. (Isaac) 15 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 30
Horn, I. (Isaac) 160 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 29
Hortenstine, H. 120 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 24
Hoskins, W.H. 80 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 11
Hosler, J. 17 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 3
Hostetler, C. (Christian) 120 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 35
Hostetler, C. (Christian) 20 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 3
Hostetler, J. (Jonathan) 73.5 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 31
Hostetler, J. (Jonathan) 200 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 36
Hostetler, N. (Noah) 20 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 34
Hostetler, N. (Noah) 320 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 35
Hostetler, N. (Noah) 60 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 26
Hostetler, N. (Noah) 85 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 27
Hostetler, R.W.L. 42 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 31
Hostetter, J. 180 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 8
Hostettter, J. 30 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 9
Houston, C. 320.28 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 1
Howe, J.A. (John A.) estate 40 acres Marrowbone: 13N, 4E, Section 2
Howe, J.A. (John A.) estate 72 acres Marrowbone: 13N, 4E, Section 3
Howe, J.A. (John A.) estate 116 acres Marrowbone: 13N, 4E, Section 2
Howe, W.H. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 25
Howe, W.H. 40 acres Sullivan: 13N, 4E, Section 25
Howell, A.B. 80 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 33
Howell, A.O. 120 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 35
Howell, C. 100 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 11
Howell, C. 120 acres Lovington: 15N, 4E, Section 2
Howell, C. 160 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 14
Howell, C. 240 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 15
Howell, C. 280 acres Lovington: 15N, 4E, Section 1
Howell, C. 40 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 10
Howell, F. 80 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 33
Howell, J.T. (John T.) 120 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 8
Howell, J.T. (John T.) 197.65 acres Lovington: 15N, 4E, Section 3
Howell, J.T. (John T.) 20 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 9
Howell, R. 40 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 33
Howell, R. 40.51 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 4
Hudson, J.B. (James) 70 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 26
Hudson, J.B. (James) 80 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 34
Hudson, J.B. (James) 80 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 35
Hudson, J.J. (John J.) 155 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 20
Hudson, J.J. (John J.) 160 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 21
Hudson, J.J. (John J.) 160 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 28
Hudson, J.J. (John J.) 200 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 31
Hudson, J.J. (John J.) 274 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 29
Hudson, J.J. (John J.) 37 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 19
Hudson, J.J. (John J.) 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 29
Hudson, J.J. (John J.) 58 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 20
Hudson, T.J. 213.5 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 12
Hughes, T. 55.04 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 4
Hull, E. (Ezechial) 20 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 20
Hull, E. (Ezechial) 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 20
Hull, E. (Ezechial) 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 21
Hull, S. (Silas) 120 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 21
Hull, S. (Silas) 15 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 20
Hull, S. (Silas) 40 acres Sullivan: 14N, 5E, Section 17
Hull, W. (William) 40 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 24
Hull, W. (William) 70 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 4
Humble, O. 160 acres Jonathan Creek: 14N, 6E, Section 20
Humphrey, J. (sic, probably Humphreys, James) 45 acres Lovington: 14N, 5E, Section 4
Humphreys, J. (James) 48 acres Lovington: 15N, 5E, Section 28
Hunsinger heirs 160 acres Lowe: 15N, 6E, Section 32
Hunt, B. 80 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 34
Hunt, E. 160 acres Sullivan: 13N, 5E, Section 24
Hunt, J. estate 140 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 12
Hunt, S. 75 acres East Nelson: 13N, 6E, Section 22
Hunter, C. 20 acres Whitley: 12N, 6E, Section 26
Hyland, H. 55 acres Marrowbone: 14N, 4E, Section 36

Generated 07/14/2004 14:38:34.

Copyright 2003, 2004 by Gregory K. Hamblin. Free for non-commercial use (though you must attibute the source).