Title: Moultrie County
Newspapers: 1906

"All the news that's fit to resurrect"

Decatur Daily Review – 12 January 1906


Sullivan, Ills. Jan. 11. -- The installation of the newly elected officers of the Rebekah lodge Tuesday event was one of pleasure as well as business. After the installation ceremonies a social hour was spent during which the retiring noble grand, Mrs. E. B. Eden treated the members to an elaborate surprise lunch, consisting of brown bread sandwiches, pickles, cake and coffee. A vote of thanks was extended by Mrs. Eden.

The new officers are

  • Noble grand -- Mrs Ida Davidson.
  • Vice grand -- Mes. Hannah Cawood.
  • Treasurer -- Mrs. Mar Birch
  • Financial secreatary -- Miss Vena Millizen.
  • Recording secretary -- Miss Emma Robinson.


The Lentel brothers, who have the contract for plastering the new court house, are making active preparations to begin the work soon. Much of the material is now on the grounds.


Marriage licenses have been issued as follows:

Willie E. Winnings, Arthur 22

Gussis Cahill, Arthur 20

John Ryan, Dora township 48

Mary Cassick, Cincinnati, O. 50

Willie Kinney, Arthur 21

Josie Williamson, Arthur 16

Mrs. Frank Brooks of Charleston arrived here Wednesday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Shortess, and sister, Mrs. Charley McClure.

Mrs. Nannie Patterson went to Windsor Tuesday evening to attend the funeral of Andy Ricketts, whose burial was at Charleston Wednesday.

J. A. Tremble, civil engineer and surveyor, of Charleston, is here today doing some work for the city.

Mrs. Ed Winter is slightly better this morning.


A letter received by Leslie Caldwell from George Carrington, London, Eng, brings the intelligences of a misfortune which befell the latter the week before Christmas. While engaged in doing some special work on telephone wires, he fell, fracturing one leg severely. His mother and sisters had just left London to spend the winter in Switzerland when the accident occured. Mr. Carrington has frequetly visited here and has many friends who will regret his misfortune.

E. A. Eden left Tuesday for several days' business trip at Indianapolis and Chicago, where he will attend special exhibitions of novelties given by the wholesale furniture dealers for the benefit of their customers. Mr. Eden will make purchases of his spring stock while in these cities.

Judge Hutchinson is seldon found too busy to officiate in a marriage ceremony, but is not often called upon to offer such service during open court as was the case Tuesday when Willie Kinney and Josie Williamson, both of Arthur, were united in marriage.

John Plant of St. Louis is the guest of his uncle, James Dedman and family. Mr. Plant is a very efficient draughtsman and has a good position in California but is now home on a vacation.

While on her return Wednesday from a three weeks visit in Oklahoma, Mrs. Samual McReynolds was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. O. O. Worsham. ???

[Name unclear ?????] paving contractor has been here the past two days making settlements with the property owners who had extra work done in connection with the recent paving done on Hamilton, North Main and Jackson streets.

Decatur Herald - 29 May 1906


Every citizen of Moultrie county looks with pride on our new court house which is rapidly nearing completion. The building is seventy-six feet east and west by ninety-five feet north and south with an entrance on each of the four sides. The basement the first story and all the trimmings and columns are of Cleveland stone and the other two stories of the building are of pressed brick.

The people voted in the spring of 1904 to build the court house and work was commenced as soon as the contract was let that summer. The corner stone was laid Oct 14, 1904 with appropriate exercises conducted by the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias of Illinois, Hon. W G Edens (article cut off here - William Grant Edens (Galesburg)was Grand Chancellor, KoP, Illinois).


Special Correspondence.

Dunn, Ill, May 25.--

Miss Flota Bragg visited relatives in Bethany a few days last week.

Coy Brown and sister, Miss Flossie, were Sullivan visitors Friday and Saturday.

Arvil Butt and J. D. Mitchll were business visitors in Bethany Friday.

Following will be the program at Oak Grove next Suday. There will be no Sunday school. The preaching services will be held at 10 o'clock. After the sermon, the congregation will go to the river, where several candidates will be baptised. At 2.30 o'clock Rev. Johns will preach the memorial sermon and decorate the greaves at the Dunn, Souther, and the Simms cemeteries. At 6 o'clock the Christian Endeavor will hold their meeting. At 7 o'clock there will be preaching servies. All should remember this and attend each of the services if possible.

Among the Peoria visitors Sunday were Arvil Butt. Peat Stamford, Floyd Richardson, Levi Stamford, Dale Butt, Harve Riley and Frank Torry.

Misses Pet Stamford and Lillian Smith were the guests of Miss Netie Sickafus at Bethany Saturday.

Abb Taylor and Ernest Butt were callers in Bethany Sturday.

Mrs. mar Annan and children of Arthure were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Porter Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ross and son, Roy, of near Lovington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Booker, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mitchell were Decatur visitors Sunday.

Misses Lillia and Carrie Smith spent Sunday with Miss Flossie Booker.


Special Correspondence.

Lovington, Ill., May 27

Milliam Sherman Hunt was adjudged insane in the county court at Sullivan and will be taken to Jacksonville today. Mr. Hunt has been the efficient section foreman of the Vandalia railroad at this place for many years and is universally respected in the this community. A few weeks since he got pneumonia and as this abated blod poison developed from a sore on the hand and abscesses followed and the mind was left unbalanced from the delirium of fever. It is hoped by the physicians and friends that a few weeks in the hospital will restore him to health and home. Mr. Hunt has a wife and seven children who have the sympathy of the entire community.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Muma died Sunday morning, aged one day. The burial will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Union Memorial services will be held tomorrow morning under the auspices of the G. A. R. post at the M. E. church with a sermon by the pastor, Rev. S. W. Beggs. Special music apppropriate to the occasion will be rendred.

The Epworth League is busy with preparions for the district convention to be held here next Thursay and Friday.

Mrs. Alsip of Ogden, Ill., arrived yesterday to make her home with her son Dr. H. S. Alsip.

Decatur Herald, June 29, 1906


Wealthy and Respected Civil War Veteran Finally Succumbs.

Special Corespondence.

Sullivan, Ill., June 27. -- Robert McClung, one of Moultrie county's most highly respected and influential citizens, passed peacefully away Wednesday about 9:30 a.m. at his residence on West Jefferson street, at nearly 69 years of age.

Mr. McClung was a veteran of the civil war and a member of the G.A.R. He was considered one of Moultrie county's most substantial and wealthy farmers, owning large tracts of land in different sections of the country, a large body of it lying in the northern part of the county two and a half miles east of Lovington, the old home where he had resided for more than forty years.

He has been in declining health with Bright's disease for several years. He spent a year or more in California without receiving any decided benefit. He then returned to Moultrie county and at the beginning of the present year, on account of his health, he with his family moved to Sullivan, to the residence which he purchased of Charles Monroe on West Jefferson street.

Since then, he has been confined the greater part of the time to his bed.

He is survived by his wife, one son, Isaac McClung, who resides at the old home near Lovington, one daughter, Mrs. Rebekah Lacy who is at home with her parents, and two grandchildren and a host of friends who mourn his loss. One daughter has preceeded him in death.

The funeral arrangements are not yet completed but will probably be Friday, conducted by Rev. T. J. Wheat of the M. E. church, followed by burial at the Lovington cemetery.

Personal Mention.

Mrs. W. F. Burnette will leave today for an extended visit with her parents at Murphysboro, Ill.

George Miller and family are moving to Decatur today, where they will permanently reside.

Mrs. Hannah Whitfield and daughter Miss Maud went to Decatur Wednesday to visit the former's daughter, Mrs. Archie Davis.

Mrs. Noebery [sic; probably "Newberry", and, quite possibly, Rhoda Newberry of Whitley Township.]) of Windsor, an old schoolmate of Mrs. Nannie Patterson, visited her Wednesday, on her return from Peoria, where she has been visiting.

A. T. Jenkins was a Chicago visitor Tuesday.

There will be an ice cream social at Prairie Chapel, west of Cushman, Saturday evening.

Miss Marie Brehm of Chicago, state president of the W.C.T.U., will speak at Bethany at the celebration July 4th at 2 p. m.

Miss Julia Brown will go to Danville today to attend the State Epworth League convention, which is in session there this week.

Mr. Greig of Chicago, a representative of the Wm. H. Brown Real Estate company, is transacting business in the city.

Miss Maggie Nicholson went to Decatur Wednesday, to enter a hospital, where she will be operated on for appendicitis.

Mesdames M. L. and Jennie Lowe returned from Mattoon Wednesday afternoon, where they had been consulting Dr. Frye in regard to the serious condition of Mrs. M. L. Lowe.

Mrs. Z. B. Whitfield and three children will leave today for a few days' visit with her aunt, Mrs. A. H. Witherop at Stewardson.

C. W. Green and John R. Pogue are attending the opening of the Crowe Indian reservation at Billings, Mont.

Fred Baugher, a traveling salesman of Decatur, was a Sullivan visitor Wednesday.

Real Estate Transfers.

Rosanna Cox to David Enslow, part southeast northeast 2, 13, 3; $2,275.

Charles D. La Cost to Guy E. LaCost, 1/4 interest east half northeast 7 and 1/4 int. west half northwest 8, 7, 13, 4, 8, 13, 4; $4,400.

David Stewart to Mary E. Milam lot 3 in block 3 of McDavid's 1st addition to Allenville, $150.

John Shields to A. L. Marlow, see record; $300.

Trouble Over Stolen Property.

Tuesday evening Chancy Neaves and Pete Lee were placed under arrest for a saddle stolen from Wm. Wamach which was found In Neaves' possession, he having purchased it from Lee.

Neaves was released by giving bond for $500. Lee, unable to furnish sufficient bond, went to jail.

Decatur Herald, July 3, 1906


(Click on image to see full-size diagram.)

The Springfield Boiler and Manufacturing company are constructing a steel shoe 9 teet 10 inches wide, 14 feet 10 inches long and six feet high out of three quarters of an inch boiler plate to be used by the Lovington Coal Mining company in going to the rock in the manner designated on accompanying diagram.

It ls believed that with this shoe and the method employed in carrying it to the rock the shaft can be safely anchored on the rock and the sand and water shut out. When this is accomplished the workmen can excavate from 90 to 100 feet per month and it will only be a question of a few months until coal is reached.

Sinking operations were begun in the fall of 1904 and have been carried on almost continuously ever since. A 10 inch wood curbing was first carried, together with the steel sinking shoe, to a depth of 164 feet. At this point the curb and shoe were anchored and an inner curbing of wood and concrete were constructed back to the surface.

An effort was then made to go down to rock with an eignt inch curbing when, at a depth of 168 feet the sand and water broke in and the whole shaft began to settle. After several months of most careful work the whole shaft was settled a distance of seven feet permitting the eight inch timbers to rest on the rock.

It was then discovered that these eight inch timbers were too light to withstand the weight from above and the pressure from behind them It therefore became necessary that these timers be removed and replaced with heavier timbers and it has been deemed advisable to install a steel shoe and force it back of these timbers in the manner described on the diagram.

The shoe is expected lo reach Lovington this week and the work of installing the same is to begin Monday, July 2nd. This will probably be the final attempt made to carry the curb to the rock, and if it proves to be successful it will be conceded to be a remarkable piece of engineering and practically assure the success of the enterprise.

The quality and thickness of the strata of rock where the company hope to anchor the curb is very satisfactory and the test boring shows nothing but rock and shale from this point to the coal.

The thickness of the strata of coal at Lovington, also its superior qualitv, has attracted much attention. Added to this is the well known fact of the awful struggle that has been made to overcome the heavy strata of sand and water which probably has no equal in the state.