1883 Pensioners Logo

Moultrie County: 1883 List of Pensioners


The 1883 Pensioners List organized the pensioners by post office. Therefore, this list may include pensioners who lived in an adjacent county, but who received mail through a post office in this one. Likewise, residents of this county may not appear here if they received mail through a post office over the county line. If you fail to find an expected ancestor, check the pension lists of adjoining counties.

Some of the common abreviations in the "Cause" column are:

ch. Chronic
dep. dependent
dis. disease
g.s.w. gun shot wound
vis. viscera
wd. wound

Certificate Name Post office Cause Rate Date
25,666 Adkins, Rodney Lake City wd. r. arm 12.00
67,688 Alexander, James H. Arthur wd.r.shr. 6.00
26,412 Armontrout, Mary Gays widow 1812 8.00 Aug., 1879
29,364 Arnold, Mary Lovington widow 8.00
31,258 Bails, Eliz'th Sullivan widow 1812 8.00 Feb., 1881
151,747 Bankson, Ira Bethany wd.l.thigh 4.00 Mar., 1878
62,851 Barley, John W. Dalton City wd. l. hip 8.00
187,817 Birchfield, Sarah A. Sullivan widow 10.00 Apr., 1880
183,950 Blackwood, John Q Dalton City injury to abdomen 8.00 Mar., 1881
89,125 Blanckwell, Benjamin F. Sullivan wd. rt. leg 4.00
95,558 Bland, Winfield S. Sullivan wd. face 8.00
189,723 Bolton, Phoebe V. Williamsburgh
10.00 Sept., 1880
10,138 Bryant, Eliz'th J. Gays widow 8.00
125,238 Cayton, Cornelius Lovington wd. l. leg 6.00
90,372 Christian, Roland C. Lovington wd. l. arm 6.00
36,353 Cloud, Nancy Dalton City widow 8.00
84,663 Cook, Mary A. Lovington widow 20.00 Sept., 1866
204,489 Creech, Christopher C. Bethany dis. heart 4.00 Mar., 1882
99,099 Criswell, Aaron A. Sullivan dis. brain 4.00
112,321 Crowder, Wm.A. Bethany wd.l.forefinger 4.00
97,590 Curtis, Thos. H. Lovington var. veins l. leg 4.00
17,531 Davis, Clinton Cushman wd. r. foot 4.00
200,423 Davison, Jesse Arthur ch. diarr. and scurvy 4.00 Jan., 1882
197,505 Dawdy, John W. Sullivan dis. lungs 8.00 Nov., 1881
78,824 Debaun, Abraham F Dalton City g.s.w. of head 18.00
179,252 Deeds, Zachariah Sullivan wd. l. sh'r. 4.00 Dec., 1880
20,049 Dougherty, Anna Sullivan widow 1812 8.00 Mar., 1879
203,024 Farrell, Edward Sullivan ch. diarr. 2.00 Feb., 1882
78,335 Fisher, John W. Arthur wd.l.hip & thigh

199,809 Fleming, Chas. W. Arthur g.s.w.r.thigh 4.00 Dec., 1881
77,872 Freeland, Alexander S Dalton City wd. l. thigh 4.00
151,827 French, Wm. Farlow part paral. and atrophy r. shr. 8.00 Mar., 1878
86,237 Fry, Amos Dalton City wd. r. shr. 12.00
25,302 Gaddis, Marinda Sullivan widow 8.00
123,178 Greenert, Wilhelmina Sullivan widow 8.00 Jan.,1869
24,474 Gregory, Isabell Lovington widow 1812 8.00 May, 1879
216,843 Guthrie, David Bethany ch. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. 6.00 Aug, 1882
117,447 Hagerman, Nancy Sullivan widow 10.00
97,039 Hart, Daniel S. Gays chr. diarr. 4.00
210,269 Hayden, Benjamin B. Sullivan cr. diarr. & dis. of abd. Vis. 4.00 June, 1882
151,832 Heltsley, John Arthur wd.r.thigh 4.00
197,516 Hill, Martilus Bethany g.s.w.l.lumbar region 4.00 Nov., 1881
196,416 Hollingsworth, Amanda Sullivan widow 14.00 June, 1882
208,295 Hoops, Emanuel Sullivan erysipelas l. leg with ulcers 6.00 May, 1882
54,046 Huffman, Phebe Lovington widow 8.00
204,846 Ingle, John Arthur g.s.w.l.knee 2.00 Mar., 1882
67,556 Jewell, James P. Arthur wd.l.leg 8.00
160,421 Jewell, Mary Arthur dep. mother 8.00 Dec., 1872
89,368 Kiger, Geo.W. Gays chr. diarr. 18.00
93,937 Lansden, Joseph M. Bethany wd.l.arm 8.00
35,778 Lansden, Thomas A. Bethany wd.l.thigh 8.00
183,522 Leach, Susan Dalton City dep. mother 8.00 Mar., 1879
136,782 Loveless, Sampson Sullivan wd. l. elbow 4.00
182,502 Mahoney, Sarah Sullivan widow 10.00 Nov., 1878
212,579 March, Lewis B. Lovington g.s.w.r.leg 2.00 June, 1882
25,406 McAnally, Wm. J. Lovington wd. l. arm 6.00
212,481 McCrary, Thos. W.D. Lovington chr. diar. and dis. of ab. vis. 6.00 Jun, 1882
216,922 McGuire, Wm.P. Bethany ch. diarr.and paral.l.side 4.00 Aug., 1882
16,492 McNeal, Polly Lovington widow 8.00
42,108 Miller, John Cushman wd. r. shoulder 12.00
108,103 Miller, Rodham Sullivan dis. lungs 18.00
132,521 Minor, Henry M. Lovington wd. r. foot 6.00
195,210 Minor, Mariah E Lovington widow 14.00 Apr., 1882
194,972 Montague, Richard P. Gays severe deafness 6.00 Aug., 1881
152,825 Moody, Jacob V. Dalton City wd. r. thigh 4.00 May, 1878
141,461 Moore, James M. Bethany wd.l.hip & inj. to abdomen 4.00
161,862 Morris, Hatfield Bethany wd. r. hip 8.00 Aug., 1870
141,530 Mullholland, Andrew J. Bethany dis.of abdominal viscera 2.00
99,699 Mutz, Harmon Dalton City wd. r. leg 4.00
33,816 Nash, Geo. Cole's Station loss l. arm 24.00
29,068 Neff, Margaret Lovington widow 1812 8.00 Apr., 1880
175,609 Parrett, Samuel Sullivan dis. rt. eye, injury lft. foot 2.00 Oct., 1880
120,772 Pemberton, James B. Lovington scrofula & gen. debil. 6.00
142,177 Peter, James M. Farlow injury to abdomen 8.00
29,418 Preston, Thomas Sullivan wd. l. hand 10.00
120,568 Pritts, Oliver M. Sullivan dropsy from chro. diarr. 6.00 Dec., 1872
209,490 Ramsey, Jasper Bruce dis. lungs 6.00 May, 1882
7,501 Rankin, Malinda Gays widow 8.00 June, 1880
136,247 Reams, John Sullivan minors of 12.00
148,849 Reeder, James S. Arthur wd.r.thigh 1.00
97,579 Ridge, Wm. H. Lovington wd. r. hand and loss mid. fing. l. hand 2.00
81,897 Robertson, Caroline Bethany widow 8.00
46,975 Roland, Julia A. Lovington dep. mother 8.00 May, 1865
58,023 Schawl, Sarah Lovington widow 15.00
211,810 Scott, Francis C. Sullivan inj. back & hips & abdomen 8.00 June, 1882
6,038 Sexton, Lemuel Gays dis. lft. lung, res. of measles 4.00
215,849 Shipman, Charles Dunn loss sight r. eye & dis. l. eye 6.00 July 1882
140,633 Smith, Editha Bethany widow 8.00
187,931 Smith, James E. Cole's Station wd. back 4.00
39,040 Smith, Mahaley Sullivan widow 8.00
6,285 Snyder, Elizabeth Farlow widow 8.00
158,340 Stewart, Andrew J. Bethany wd.l.thigh & inj.to abd. 4.00 Mar., 1879
94,111 Summers, Sophia Ann Farlow widow 8.00 May, 1867
161,273 Suter, Christopher P. Lovington wd. r. hand & sh'r 4.00 July, 1879
89,562 Switzer, Benj. F. Sullivan dis. heart 8.00
20,030 Thompson, Margaret J. Dalton City widow 8.00 June, 1867
155,616 Tinkler, Christopher Bethany wd. hd. 8.00 Nov., 1878
205,571 Trowbridge, John D. Lovington chr. diarr. 4.00 Mar., 1882
9,680 Watson, Fanny A. Lake City widow 8.00 Dec., 1867
111,807 Whiting, John F.M. Sullivan loss 3d toe left. foot 2.00
22,803 Williams, Geo. M. Sullivan wd. l. arm 5.33 1/3
58,144 Willison, Wm. T. Dalton City wd. head 6.00
183,615 Woodworth, Henry J. Lake City ch. diarr. and gastralgie 6.00 Mar., 1881
129,523 Woodworth, Susan A. Arthur widow 8.00
163,115 Wortz, Wm. Sullivan g.s.w. r. leg 4.00 Nov., 1879
29,602 Wren, Sophia Lovington widow 8.00
212,157 Wyman, Wm. H. Gays sunstroke & dis. brain 4.00 June, 1882
208,247 Yantis, Isaac Dalton City g.s.w. head and vertigo 4.00 May, 1882